Cooking... is it a better option for her situation??


Hi everyone,
not sure if this is the right sub forum to post on, but figured it is a start. I am searching for a few different things to try in hopes to help nerve pain/damage that shingles caused. My lady had the shingles about 9 months ago. Once it went away, a few months went by before she started to experience what is known as Post Herpetic Neuralgia. In short, lots and lots of damage to the nerves were done and her pain is unbelievable now. She smokes every day after work, and it helps her to somewhat relax and sleep through the night. It is the only thing that gets her a decent night's worth of rest :\. The pain is on her back (same place the rash was).

So there is some background information, I know mmj has a lot of medicinal affects but was curious if you thought maybe making a topical would be good for her? edible? vaporizer? currently , BHO is what puts her out and gets her through the night , shatter to be exact. i was thinking maybe decarbing and cooking would provide different type of medicinal affect than the smoking she is doing (using a ti nail for oil or a water bong with flowers.) Higher CBD's or CBN's? I dont live in a friendly state unfortunately so it is hard to get some good advice here. I dont know much about this, although i can make BHO (thanks to this forum). any help would be appreciated, or at least leading me in the right direction. dont need to spell out a method or anything just let me know any advice you think would help and i will do the rest . Feel kind of lost and helpless, just hate to see her putting on these Lidocaine patches every day and taking Neurontin and Demerol. There has to be other solutions, i just have not found them yet.

Thanks Riu


Well-Known Member
Well all you can do is try. I've found that the high/stone you get from consumables are very similar to when you smoke the same weed...only it lasts much longer. Won't last all night long but much longer then smoking. And you can get higher from eating some good cannabutter snickerdoodles (my fav) then you can smoking too. There are some creative recipes out get cookin'


maybe something with less psychoactive effect so she can use it before or at work ... just throwing some thoughts out there ... :\

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Will do, thanks. Will use this crock pot method and make some this evening. very open to trying different things,
This is exactly what I do. I have a really fucked up back from breaking it twice racing motocross. I use medibles everyday. I also use veg oil to extract, crockpot style. One of the girls I date makes me cookies with the oil. Perfer eating to smoking. My only advice is start slow, it's easy to over eat and get retarded high. For me it's more of a pain killing body high, the same cannabis gives me a fantastic head high if smoked.


THIS is amazing to read. Just put the biggest smile on her face...the smile of hope. Going to research a little in topicals, as this is what i know LEAST of. Which subforum do you suggest i start to research this?

Definitely just purchased a crock pot to find some good recipes. She doesn't necessarily mind the head high/psychoactiveness of cannabis, it is just difficult to perform at work if she is stoned (which is why i was thinking a more subtle edible high would be better in that environment than if she were to take a couple dabs before work). From how you are making it sound though Dyna, both give you the intense psychoactive high, but the edible seems to not only give you a high, but also relieves the pain.

Thank you thank you from us both


Cool ? Looks like youve posted this best extractor a lot. I was not querying about an extractor, please dont spam this thread. It is important to me and my girlfriend for her health and well-being.


Well-Known Member
Hi vbs and guys,

Dyna Ryda wrote: For me it's more of a pain killing body high, the same cannabis gives me a fantastic head high if smoked.
This is a point that needs more discussion. I'm a big sativa fan and when I cook, I cook with sativas. And when I eat them...I get an uplifting sativa high.

I would suggest that perhaps Dyna Ryda is using a recipe that doesn't provide enough time or temperature for a ful decarboxylation. Like I said earlier, I found that the snickerdoodle recipe, which calls for 25 minutes at 375 degrees does a good job in that regard. I'm no scientist, it's just that this was the recipe that has done best for me and retains the up feeling of sativas.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your lady's pain problems. Yes a topical will work very well for her nerve pain. I make hash lip balms that some patients also use for a topical. You can order lip balm making kits online with all the ingredients you need for a basic one. Peppermint is really good for migraines. The balm works on them by rubbing in to temples. I am think it would work for your lady too. If you want, check out BadKittySmiles website. She has a kick ass topical she makes that is the best ever. I think it is called BadKat's CannaPharm. Hope it helps.

...on the quick and cheap, you can turn some kief or hash into a coconut hash oil which can also be rubbed on the skin ;)

Hi everyone,
not sure if this is the right sub forum to post on, but figured it is a start. I am searching for a few different things to try in hopes to help nerve pain/damage that shingles caused. My lady had the shingles about 9 months ago. Once it went away, a few months went by before she started to experience what is known as Post Herpetic Neuralgia. In short, lots and lots of damage to the nerves were done and her pain is unbelievable now. She smokes every day after work, and it helps her to somewhat relax and sleep through the night. It is the only thing that gets her a decent night's worth of rest :\. The pain is on her back (same place the rash was).

So there is some background information, I know mmj has a lot of medicinal affects but was curious if you thought maybe making a topical would be good for her? edible? vaporizer? currently , BHO is what puts her out and gets her through the night , shatter to be exact. i was thinking maybe decarbing and cooking would provide different type of medicinal affect than the smoking she is doing (using a ti nail for oil or a water bong with flowers.) Higher CBD's or CBN's? I dont live in a friendly state unfortunately so it is hard to get some good advice here. I dont know much about this, although i can make BHO (thanks to this forum). any help would be appreciated, or at least leading me in the right direction. dont need to spell out a method or anything just let me know any advice you think would help and i will do the rest . Feel kind of lost and helpless, just hate to see her putting on these Lidocaine patches every day and taking Neurontin and Demerol. There has to be other solutions, i just have not found them yet.

Thanks Riu


Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. The cannabutter finished yesterday evening and I made her first batch of cookies. Recipe only called for 1/2 cup of butter, but my recipe was 2 oz highgrade nug : 1lb butter (thanks dirtsurfr). Ate the first cookie and 10 and around 11 i was out like a light as was she. she slept THROUGH the night without waking up. Amazing. Although she had taken the demerol, this morning we are going to try without any of those meds from the pharmacy. hope to make a topical very soon... thank you all very much


Well-Known Member
that is awesome! glad she was able to get some sleep.

...yeah, that dirtsurfr, he's a good guy ;)

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. The cannabutter finished yesterday evening and I made her first batch of cookies. Recipe only called for 1/2 cup of butter, but my recipe was 2 oz highgrade nug : 1lb butter (thanks dirtsurfr). Ate the first cookie and 10 and around 11 i was out like a light as was she. she slept THROUGH the night without waking up. Amazing. Although she had taken the demerol, this morning we are going to try without any of those meds from the pharmacy. hope to make a topical very soon... thank you all very much
That's awesome. I used to take 50mg of oxy a day. Now I don't take any, I use medibles. It really is a great medication with great side effects (getting high).


That's awesome. I used to take 50mg of oxy a day. Now I don't take any, I use medibles. It really is a great medication with great side effects (getting high).
It is a beautifl thing . I too had an oxy problem , not for pain but it was a bad habit gone horrible . Had it not been for cannabis, maybe wouldnt be here today or be stuck on heroin and worrying if tomorrow I wouldn't be able to get high and would be sick, it's such a shirty life to live.

I would still be there if I hadn't found cannabis, thank Gpd. Hate to see people suffering on the Oxys :/

fumble: thanks friend, great to know other people care and are following :)


Well-Known Member
No problem hun :) I know how it goes with addictions. The edibles are what helped my guy quit a 5th a day problem

Silly String

Well-Known Member
It is a beautifl thing . I too had an oxy problem , not for pain but it was a bad habit gone horrible . Had it not been for cannabis, maybe wouldnt be here today or be stuck on heroin and worrying if tomorrow I wouldn't be able to get high and would be sick, it's such a shirty life to live.

I would still be there if I hadn't found cannabis, thank Gpd. Hate to see people suffering on the Oxys :/
Former vicodin issues chiming in here: I had a worker's comp injury, and have nerve damage/pain to my wrist that will never go away. Vicodin ripped my stomach apart (IBS issues) and never really worked for the pain for very long. I'm glad I recognized the monkey growing on my back before it became a gorilla. Switched over to the cannabis cure, and I mainly do edibles now.

It is a much bigger body high than smoking, and it creeps up on you, so warn your lady to go s-l-o-w at first. I also don't recommend drinking alcohol when you test out the strength of your edibles -- alcohol will mask the cannabis creeping in, and you'll be tempted to eat more to feel something. I'm no rookie to edibles, and I wound up on the bathroom floor, barfing and praying (and I'm an atheist), after drinking wine and eating 4 caramels that I "didn't think were working!"

Look into the cannasalves too. (there's got to be a recipe on this board somewhere) I didn't *think* they were working til I ran out of mine, and noticed myself bitching that my wrist really hurt. Duh!

My heart goes out to your lady. Shingles is incredibly painful. Keep on keepin' on. :-)