Well-Known Member
Ok, Hello everyone im new here (well kinda) new to getting a user name? Any ways my friends all think im a geek for being obsessed with the crazy things you can do with certain plants and certain materials. heh
. Im all about chilling and thinking about ideas to make things better. I want to hear yours! here are some of mine im a noob to all of this. but im a bio major/ ehh...might switch that to a minor..ehhh ya know.
1. neat way to get some personal weight to a vacation spot with out any hookups. well, this is what I did to ease a paranoid friend about an Zipper. WATER CURE!!! everyone hates on that here but its DEF. an overlooked option for multiple uses! heres how I did it, jar with holes in it+shittay ass schwagage + water. I changed the water frequently because I had to do it in 5 days. then I let it dry out, de-stemed /beaned it and was left with the only decent part of this mid-nonsense which was CHEAP here is the cool part I ground it all up, got the kif ( dumped it in the final mix), it also weighed a lot less all spiffied up. then I grabbed some local 20/g shit which happened to be a blue dream which smells GRRRREAAT! I got 2 gs and ground it in the now ordor-less, taste-less, but strong and smooth smoking water cured I I dumped in the kif, shook her up left the jar in my closet the night before the trip, (a different jar without hole or all that wet mess), and the next day it smelled amazing and smoked wAay good. I had to take a lot of special measures to prove to the driver it wasnt a Z...lol. see..thinking! cheapshittyweight+ water cure+ uncured 2gs amazo-nug=cheap great and half the weight
2. Vape+ cheap vase found at thrift store using a glass drill bit cut to the size of my vapes tubing and bam vape-bong..the water actually smells like vape after session so I know its doing some good!
3. sooo I wanted to grow a, um, what do you call it? oh yeah a pear tree...anyways I wanted it to start off in a rubbermaid container and then i would cut a hole in the lid yada yada..but before I jumped right in a knew I needed to know more about apple trees or w/e. so I decided while I was thinking I should start up a compost box. I did so and kept a nice colony of red worms that would reproduce I noticed. I started this with a good level potting soil. and added bananas and what not. while doing this I read all I could and then when I knew enough I went to town. let me say..try a compost pile for alllllllll noobs. and for you uber smarts I would suggest it aswell. now this is not something I would normally do if I didnt care for my oranges that first season ya know? im not a geek or into worms? im just a 20 y/o who just vaped a bag alone..
How'd I do for my first REAL post? im sooooo not proof reading.

1. neat way to get some personal weight to a vacation spot with out any hookups. well, this is what I did to ease a paranoid friend about an Zipper. WATER CURE!!! everyone hates on that here but its DEF. an overlooked option for multiple uses! heres how I did it, jar with holes in it+shittay ass schwagage + water. I changed the water frequently because I had to do it in 5 days. then I let it dry out, de-stemed /beaned it and was left with the only decent part of this mid-nonsense which was CHEAP here is the cool part I ground it all up, got the kif ( dumped it in the final mix), it also weighed a lot less all spiffied up. then I grabbed some local 20/g shit which happened to be a blue dream which smells GRRRREAAT! I got 2 gs and ground it in the now ordor-less, taste-less, but strong and smooth smoking water cured I I dumped in the kif, shook her up left the jar in my closet the night before the trip, (a different jar without hole or all that wet mess), and the next day it smelled amazing and smoked wAay good. I had to take a lot of special measures to prove to the driver it wasnt a Z...lol. see..thinking! cheapshittyweight+ water cure+ uncured 2gs amazo-nug=cheap great and half the weight
2. Vape+ cheap vase found at thrift store using a glass drill bit cut to the size of my vapes tubing and bam vape-bong..the water actually smells like vape after session so I know its doing some good!
3. sooo I wanted to grow a, um, what do you call it? oh yeah a pear tree...anyways I wanted it to start off in a rubbermaid container and then i would cut a hole in the lid yada yada..but before I jumped right in a knew I needed to know more about apple trees or w/e. so I decided while I was thinking I should start up a compost box. I did so and kept a nice colony of red worms that would reproduce I noticed. I started this with a good level potting soil. and added bananas and what not. while doing this I read all I could and then when I knew enough I went to town. let me say..try a compost pile for alllllllll noobs. and for you uber smarts I would suggest it aswell. now this is not something I would normally do if I didnt care for my oranges that first season ya know? im not a geek or into worms? im just a 20 y/o who just vaped a bag alone..

How'd I do for my first REAL post? im sooooo not proof reading.