Coolest/Sneakiest Place to grow


Well-Known Member
i'm using a speaker, almost finished with my first grow in it - Barney's LSD, single plant under 240 watts of cfl.. still growing in my pc grow box also, there's a delicious bubblelicious there at the moment



Active Member
I got a nice hardwood armoire with key entry. Had a few drawers, so I cut the face off all of them and hot glued them in place. Covered all my seems by covering entire inside with Easy Grow Diamond Fusion Mylar and over cut some areas to hide light from peaking out. Space to grow is approx. 2'x3'x6', and I plan to do a ScrOG set-up as im still in the building process. Only got a few things to aquire in the next week and the switch is going on!


Well-Known Member
no sir, no carbon. i just put some scented candles around the area and its all good. i used ona block before but i hate its scent.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I have a SuperCloset tucked behind a false wall... 600watt upgrade vented in and out thru the back wall... Carbon sock... White noise camoflage in the room to cover the slight hum that might be heard other wise... And just under a pound of BlueBerry every three months...:grin:


Well-Known Member
To see the one I have go to '' go to 'products' on the green bar, go down click on '#1 Rated SUPERCLOSETS', then click on 'Deluxe 2.0 Holiday Sale'. The cabinet is 2x3x6 and I'm running a hydro flood table, not the system they show in the ad. I clone and veg in the bottom getting them nice and bushy, there's no breathing room down there after three months. All the while, pulling clones off here and there. Once I pull the plants out of the top, I move what I need to up top, I then take what remaining clones I need for the next cycle. I don't run Co2, but I have outside air vented in... Eventualy I plan to get a second cabinet to veg in, and then I will pull out the shelf in the flowering cabinet and switch to growing just 2 or 3 five foot plants! Hope this helps you out 805!!! :blsmoke:


Active Member
Sounds like we got about the same setup...My armoire is 2x3x6. I decided to use the whole space solely for veg and flower cycle, and about a few weeks before I decide to go more clones from my buddy, Im gonna throw them in my next project. Stealth clone cabinet :) What kind of wattage are you using in your grow? I got a 400w hps in mine and will be vegging with t5's


Well-Known Member
:leaf:600w hps in a sealed glass tube with a fan in front and back pulling cool air across the bulb, keeping the temp around 80 degrees in there... And T5s for veg... when I get a seperate veg cabinet, gotta switch to MH though, sucks more juice but the growth differance is worth it...:leaf:

Magic Rabbit

Well-Known Member
:leaf: Hell yea, Ive been growing autos in trees this year. roflamao.:leaf:And it works, plenty of sun, camouflage is the key. N autos is the way to go when ur doing it.
C ya. I gotta go climb a tree...:grin::bigjoint: