cooling down my box


New Member
i currently gutted my marshall cabinet and added a power strip, light clamps and a fan. i removed the two handles on the side for ventilation and put the fan right behind one so that its pulling fresh air into the box over the plants and lights.

i recently had a 2 week old plant shrivel and die on me when i added 2 lights. ill be removing one so that there are 4cfls at 86w total. thehandles havent been totally removed, but angled, to point the light down the floor for easy coverage.

now the box is in my closet with a functioning head on top with microphones in front of it. it looks like its being used to record. i also have a sleeping bag wrapped around the microphone stand, the amp, and tucked in soo you cant see the handles on either side. im sure this prevents ventilation to some degree.

i was thinking about adding one of these;

do you think that would be safe to use around 4 cfls and effectivly bring the temps down? its also going to increase humidity.

would that mini cooler be effective or more trouble then its worth. the closet must stay closed and no light can be allowed to leak from the box, vents or not. i live with people that arent ok with this and they would never touch my recording things otherwise.

anyy ideas to cool this bitch down? im going to put a thermometer in there today so i can see how crazy hot it was getting


Legal Moderator, Esq.
You need 2 things, a thermometer and exhaust fan. Even a 200mm computer exhaust fan would be enough...