copper band


Well-Known Member
i saw this copper band thing at the local nursery. does this actually help prevent slugs from getting on your plants? and are slugs really a threat?


Well-Known Member
does it have a battery hooked to it?
ive got some dog food bowls that have a copper band around them and a 9 volt battery under the bowl. they work great to keep ants out of the dog food, but i havent had much of a prob with slugs gettin in the bowl either. lol


Well-Known Member
Yes slugs are a big problem. Many things work well for slugs. They sell slug bait cheap stuff at wall mart that works great sprinkle it aroud your plants.It does need to be done evry few weeks. sand paper circled around your plant works as the sand paper will rip the slugs soft bodies if they crawl across it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, copper keeps slugs away. They will not cross it. I was actually talking to my mate about this up the pub last night as he uses copper on his allotment to keep slugs off.

Just something I found when googled......

"Copper strips. When a slug touches copper, it is charged with current, an unpleasant experience that makes it reverse course. Place a band of copper (preferably 3 inches wide) around beds or individual plants. Or form copper wire into a tight, conical spiral around each plant, with the small end at the bottom, and push the wire into the soil. Make sure slugs are not trapped inside barriers."