Cops chase drunken fool straight too....


Well-Known Member
LOL here's something you shouldn't do when your being chased by the police

Cops chase drunken fool straight to his illegal marijuana operation

In a spectacular illustration of what NOT to do when confronted by law enforcement while driving home from the local tavern in the middle of the night, 23-year-old Charles Byrd drunkenly fled police officers who witnessed him break numerous traffic laws in Gwinnett County, Ga.

His choice of hideout? His totally illegal marijuana grow house, where there were 69 plants, 3.2 pounds of manicured pot and his none-too-amused partner in crime, 25-year-old Timothy Donahue. At most, Byrd faced a DUI and a few traffic citations for driving with his lights off, making an illegal turn and having expired license tags. Now, he and his buddy face serious jail time. Georgia does not have medical marijuana laws, leaving the pair with no defense whatsoever for possession of any amount of marijuana for any reason at all -- the pot was said to be worth about $327,000. That's an expensive bar tab.

Rather than pull over for police after a night of drinking, Byrd led them on a pursuit to a home in an unincorporated area of the county, ran inside and locked the door. The police called for backup and surrounded the house. Byrd surrendered, but the smell of 69 cannabis plants was to much for the fuzz to overlook, giving them the probable cause they needed for a search warrant. Donahue was found hiding in the house, presumably cursing his choice of business partner.

One moral that can be gleaned from this tale is that alcohol perhaps makes you stupider than marijuana.


Well-Known Member
haha i no right, i wonder what was going through his mind when he was running form the cops
maybe he was too drunk to realize that he even grew weed lol


Well-Known Member
Oh my God!

I feel bad for the guy who was growing it with him, dude's just sitting there getting high and trimming nugs and his buddy pulls in shit faced drunk with Cops in tow!



Well-Known Member
At the bottom of the page, I'm laughing at this guy's math:

The estimated value of the cannabis is GROSSLY exaggerated.
Given that 1 pound, even at extremely high price is about $4,000.
Minus the 3.2 pounds of dried flowers, the 69 plants would have to produce 785 pounds more. That is 11.37 pounds per plant . This is absolutely impossible . Although is might make good headlines and make it appear that the cops have made a huge bust, in reality this is just bad reporting with no facts on figures. A better formula might be:
100 pound = $300,000. Where does he get 785 pounds?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Oh my God!

I feel bad for the guy who was growing it with him, dude's just sitting there getting high and trimming nugs and his buddy pulls in shit faced drunk with Cops in tow!


that's what i was thinking. his whole life is going down the shitter and all he has is the sight of his stupid ass drunken friend probably making the dumbest face ever. he should be skinned alive. should have known better but still.


Active Member
At the bottom of the page, I'm laughing at this guy's math:

100 pound = $300,000. Where does he get 785 pounds?
In a system so corrupt, it should be no suprise that they do not weigh the dry flowers, they weigh everything. They weigh the fucking whole plants, including stalks and containers. They weigh the fucking soaking wet rockwool if it sticks to the stems when they tear the plants down. This makes the weight add up like crazy, just one more way to fuck us...