cops trimming


Active Member
I am curious about one thing. If cops put weed drying before they scale it after grow house busts, do they trim it before as well?


Well-Known Member
sometimes around here they have weighed the soil and everything (cops tend to get promotions based on performance (3 pounds of weed, sounds better than 3 scraggly seedlings in 3 gallons of soil))

but, in most cases (thanks to good lawyers i guess lol)

they are needing to weigh it properly (well, its getting there anyway or seems to)


Well-Known Member
on an episode of DEA, the agents were busting a dude for coke or something. When walking around the house, they stumbled upon some seedlings that were obviously from some discarded seeds and not being cared for. The officer pulled each one out and counted 1 lb, 2 lb, 3lb, 4lb,.... ended up being something like a ten lb charge for some fucking foot tall plants.


Active Member
That sounds pretty bad for you there in U.S. How is it going with war on drugs there? Do medical dispensaries have hope against feds? When do you vote for legalization?


Well-Known Member
That sounds pretty bad for you there in U.S. How is it going with war on drugs there? Do medical dispensaries have hope against feds? When do you vote for legalization?
Question one: Great! More non-violent drug offenders are locked up every day!

Question two: Yes of course we have hope, we voted for it! Change!

Question three: ....Legalization, what's that?


Well-Known Member
Voting doesn't liberate the plant. We need to take it by force! Remember the colonies that told the mother country to go fuck itself? Welll budddy , how about we do the same, but to the federal government! haha (fake world ideas). Rich people and poor people a like should take all their money to their local town hall and set their cash on fire! Fuck fiat money RAAAAAHHHHHH!