Cops were just at my door!!


Well-Known Member
Props for not givin your bitch ass brother up.. Even though he's obviously going through some hard times, doesn't mean you should stoop to his level and cooperate with LE. Keep your head down n your nose clean. As long as you don't have a bunch of traffic at your crib, you're golden. There are other ways to find out where people are, or haven't been. Before they get a warrant they would have to show that he has been there (pictures, phone records etc.)

Just keep your mouth shut, stay strong, call your bro from an outside number n let him know that his shit is blowin back on you and while you haven't tricked, if he forces your hand, your loyalties lie with the rest of your family. That way if he doesn't handle his shit, it's on him.

Family... right? I hope your brother turns his shit around, 'cuz it's possible, people change.


Well-Known Member
They aren't getting a search warrant, if anything they will watch the traffic in and out of your house to see if he is coming and going from your house. It's not like your brother is a trafficker or serial killer, they've got bigger fish to fry.


Well-Known Member
Yeah im not gonna tell them where my brother is cause its not fair. At the end of the day blood is thicker than water. They aren't back yet so I think Im good. I called my brother and told him to get his shit together cause his shit is getting me involved. I told him to turn himself in and stop being a pussy, you play you pay that's all. What your gonna on the run the rest of your life for a simple possession charge.


If he is really addicted to opioids he is not going to turn himself in. Nobody wants to be in jail or even a holding cell in physical withdrawal, and the vast majority of jails/prisons do not treat for substance abuse and wont provide any medication whatsoever.

If your brother has insurance tell him to find an inpatient detox, rehab or methadone clinic even. If he doesn't, there are usually free care resources available and detox facilities often have a certain # of free care beds. Getting into a detox is often not as easy as one would think. They are commonly at full capacity, have no free care beds available or are staffed by complacent, apathetic morons. Sometimes it is necessary to be persistent, call frequently and don't stop calling until they admit you.

Hospitals/emergency rooms should also be able refer individuals to treatment. Police aren't typically allowed at substance abuse treatment facilities without a special warrant or the express authorization of the facility supervisor. If he did go to a detox, he could not be arrested until he left.

Even if he could get on a methadone clinic, or buprenorphine\Suboxone, as long as it appears he is taking initiative to get treatment the court is likely to be lenient. If he doesn't have much of a prior record he will likely get probation.


Well-Known Member
Convince your brother to turn himself in. Tell him to man up and clean the mess he made. They will catch him eventually. Better for everyone if he simply faces the music now instead of getting you and anyone else living there in trouble. Is he going to run forever? If I knew where he was I would pay him a visit and become very convincing.
Sheriff's deputies came to my door, once, looking for my own scumbag of a brother. Don't sweat it. At the end of the day, there is nothing they can or will do to you except threaten. My sister was hysterical (we lived together) and consulted an attorney. He took all of 5 minutes to tell her she had nothing to worry about. FWIW, I did call the police to tell them exactly where my brother was, after he walked out of his halfway house. I was afraid he was suicidal and I was too far away to take action. The police response was, "no one will be in until monday. " So fuck that. They aren't going to do a damned thing.


I would convince him to get treatment before I convinced him to turn himself in.

This is coming from someone who had a similar issue. Non-dependents really don't realize and can't imagine: when a person uses opioids for a substantial period of time their brain changes and essentially stops producing endorphins and related compounds. Therefore, if they do not use, they get sick. Some people say it is like the flu- only it isn't, it is about 100X worse than the flu although the severity of withdrawal depends on the person, what they were using, how much and for how long. However, a person can have the flu and still remain semi-comfortable. An addict in moderate withdrawal has no comfort and is in a state of dysphoria: cannot sit or lay still, cannot sleep normally, cannot eat or drink normally, has aches all over their body such that even their bones hurt, and has no energy to exert themselves in any way unless it involves going to get drugs or money for drugs. Those aren't all the symptoms, too many to list but that is a good synopsis of it.

The length of the withdrawal period is related to the half-life of the opioid of choice. For heroin the onset of symptoms begins from 6-12+ hours after the last use (depending on frequency of use), symptoms get worse with time before they get better. Discomfort tends to come in waves, although you're never really comfortable. Symptoms peak in 3-5 days before they gradually subside. It's not over though. That was just the acute withdrawal period. You might feel alright, even high on life, for a little while... and then comes the post acute withdrawal period. Most aspects of PAWS are psychological and include not being able to concentrate or think clearly worth a damn, not being able to remember things worth a damn, mood swings, insomnia, night terrors, anhedonia, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, slurred speech and cognitive problems, emotional numbness or overreaction, suicidal ideation, inability to communicate easily with others, lack of desire/motivation, extreme sensitivity to stress. These symptoms can last a few months or years.

This is why there are so many people addicted to heroin/opioids, why it is so difficult to stop, and why relapse is prevalent even after years of sobriety.


Active Member
Yea you should be fine.
When a someone I knew had a warrant for their arrest they just went to all possible locations that were listed in the PO report. My house and a friends being on the list. The police came, asked if he was there, and left. I have plants as well and I didn't let them in and thye didn't force their way in. An arrest warrant isn't the same as a search warrant, they can't bust in your house and look for him, can only ask if hes there and ask your permission to look.


Well-Known Member
they sure called out the cavalry for a simple possession charge...are you sure thats all he did?

you should be fine tho, but i would limit any odd traffic into and out of your home, from now on you have to at least assume they might be watching.


Active Member should be fine, u have the right not to invite pigs into ur home...there's nothing suspicious about that...

...they may get a warrant to search the house, but ur weed(even if they find it) is not related to the situation, so shouldn't be a problem for u...they have no warrant to search for weed...

...but the best way for u, is to call a "friendly lawyer" and ask about what may happen...he will have a better answer for you then anyone here.


Active Member
they sure called out the cavalry for a simple possession charge...are you sure thats all he did?

you should be fine tho, but i would limit any odd traffic into and out of your home, from now on you have to at least assume they might be watching.
It's pretty standard to come with 3-5 people. I was 14 and I ditched a court date to go chill in a hookie party. They came to my house with 5 officers for a simple ditch court date warrant. Nothing crazy or violent, just standard to come with backup when going to someones home, you gotta expect the worse.


Well-Known Member
When Five O turn up on ya door tis gonna make you Nervous!! Take it you using a Carbon Filter?? had you been smoking before you answered the door? Cops look for Fucked up pupils and the smell of Weed if they can't smell booze and you looked mashed they will take note..
IMO Don't Answer Door or if you have Worries about smell use Side door, or just make sure you burning Oils or some Incense sticks..etc...have a Little bottle of Brandy/Whisky n glass at the front door if Mashed n have a swig before you answer...smell of booze n fucked up pupils won't raise any alarm bells..Don't let anyone who is likely to bring the Heat(Five O) Cops to your Door to use your address for anything...does your Brother know you Grow...

You should be fine..just need to chill, but maybe think ahead just the end of the day ALL of us Growing in States or Countries that don't allow it have to be Careful of what we do...and who we mix with and trust...Family is Family...But Trust is earned, not a given...



I do not know the laws of your state but I do know a thing or two about federal laws and even if, and I stress the if - unless your brother is listed as the tenant, they somehow get a search warrant for your house, the search warrant has to be specific to what (or who) they are searching for according to the fourth amendment. Doesn't mean they can't fuck with you, take your plants, etc.. but once it goes to court it will never stick so unless you go out of your way to piss them off they will not likely mess with your little grow.
...they may get a warrant to search the house, but ur weed(even if they find it) is not related to the situation, so shouldn't be a problem for u...they have no warrant to search for weed...

This is wrong. If they see evidence of a crime while legally in a position to see it, it's fair game. Having a warrant to look in your house for your bro doesn't mean they have to ignore evidence of an ongoing crime they see because they are legally there.

If they had a warrant to search for your bro, and they cut up your couch cushions and found drugs inside, then you have an argument in court because there's no reasonable way they were looking for your bro inside a couch cushion. But if they walk into your bedroom and see a tent that's going to stick. You'll get to make that argument months later in court after being charged, most likely arrested and sitting in jail if you can't make bail, and paying for a competent attorney, and then if you're lucky you'll win that argument the first time around, but usually not despite how clearly right you think you are as the defendant and then if not you get to fight it in appeals which is even more biased against you than your trial court.

The bar for getting that warrant isn't that high, and can easily be procured by a lying cop and a judge who at that moment, for whatever reason, doesn't feel much like protecting privacy. They wouldn't have to say much more than we saw someone peeking through the blinds after their knock-and-talk that wasn't you and looked like him. If the judge isn't a push-over it might not fly, but if leo's going to lie they will know which judge to sell it to.

Most likely, though, they'll just post someone on the block for a little while to watch for comings and goings. Finding someone with a failure to appear bench warrant isn't usually enough to get leo lying for warrants, unless the crime rubs them the wrong way.

...staffed by complacent, apathetic morons...

Police aren't typically allowed at substance abuse treatment facilities without a special warrant or the express authorization of the facility supervisor. If he did go to a detox, he could not be arrested until he left.
The problem with apathetic morons is when the cops show up looking for someone, sometimes an ex-junkie staff member will just lead them right in and say, hey, qbert, you've got a visitor, even when it should be more than clear that they should not confirm or deny the presence of any patient whatsoever. Speaking from personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Call me pessimistic, but I'd be freaking out. In my research on busts I've read that one of the most common reasons cops can get search warrants is to look for a perp. And even if they don't get a warrant, they will be staking your house, that ups your chances of getting busted right there. I don't want to incite fear, but if it was me, I would rather be safe than sorry, ESPECIALLY if you are in a strict state. Is there any way you can move your plants? Is there anywhere you can hide them for awhile? It would absolutely suck to chop your plants at this point, but it would suck worse to get busted. Good luck whatever you decide


Well-Known Member
Yeah im not gonna tell them where my brother is cause its not fair. At the end of the day blood is thicker than water. They aren't back yet so I think Im good. I called my brother and told him to get his shit together cause his shit is getting me involved. I told him to turn himself in and stop being a pussy, you play you pay that's all. What your gonna on the run the rest of your life for a simple possession charge.
That's a pretty good game plan. He'll be better in the long run if he does that, but don't hold your breath.


Active Member
Yeah just never let the cops in. Tell them they need a warrant to come on your property next time they come to the door. Even opening the door for a peek they can say they smell marijuana, I would just yell it loud enough for them to hear. Cops are professional dicks.

Good luck man!


Active Member
Call me pessimistic, but I'd be freaking out. In my research on busts I've read that one of the most common reasons cops can get search warrants is to look for a perp. And even if they don't get a warrant, they will be staking your house, that ups your chances of getting busted right there. I don't want to incite fear, but if it was me, I would rather be safe than sorry, ESPECIALLY if you are in a strict state. Is there any way you can move your plants? Is there anywhere you can hide them for awhile? It would absolutely suck to chop your plants at this point, but it would suck worse to get busted. Good luck whatever you decide
How is he going to hide his plants at another location if they are watching his house? Can't exactly put them in a handbag.


You stated your in a state that have stiff penalties, me personally if there was ANY chance of them coming back or ANY chance they could have smelled it I would have the shit gone. I have a buddy who got popped because there was an accident across the street and the responding officer smelled it from across the street at the accident, got a warrant and he was raided within a week. He had about 50 plants but not big plants, once sprouted he did 12/12 and he used carbon filters etc. has no idea how they smelled it.

He has spent over 10,000 at this point and still facing several years in prison with no end in sight. Do what you have to do but be VERY careful and make sure no matter what happens your good with your decision.. wish you luck man, hope all goes good.


New Member
They may have surveillance at your house for a few days until they are certain he isn't there. I wouldn't sweat anything, go about business as usual, don't act suspicious.