Copycat genetics

Cause he's not reversing anything. He's reselling white label.

Last I seen of his "breeding" was some 4x4 in a garage. He's not producing the # of strains he has out a few 4x4. He says he's got warehouses or w/e but it's all fake as fuck just like him. He'll never prove it.

He's a another shady marketer.

There will probably be random fire in his white label shit from Spain. He's buying hermie warehouse seed from people's fuck ups, some of those guys will be running legit genetics before they fuck up their rooms and sell it as hash/seed stock.

You are not getting the strain you pay for if you are buying copycat. These idiots thinking they are getting a deal at 30 a pack are literally marks, they are rubes, they are the most gullible of the gullible. They have fallen for the most basic bitch bait and switch tactic. The dude straight up admits it's what he's doing with his pricing, it's manipulation, and rubes act like they scored a deal. You see it all over this thread... They bought bulk seed they could have ordered themselves direct for next to nothing. But they got it through a scammer who relabels and sells it as something else, then they hypeman his shit and suck his dick because of this perceived deal.

IDK How you get took by a goofball like Copy. The Copycat fanbois are hilarious. They are white knighting a literal rat. A dude who would give them up in a second. Dude's gone on lives and said this shit. It's not putting words in his mouth. He will sell you seeds then go to the cops and report you for growing weed. He's done it. He's admitted to it, bragged about it.

Imagine using "He's rich" as some sort of defense. He's literally scamming, of course he's making money, that's the hustle lol. And yall proud of this? Like you fanboi a known scammer and are like "look how many people he's scammed dog! He's got money!' so? He can't leave his house. He can't go to a single expo and ever be treated as a legit breeder. He'll never be respected. Trusted. Honored for creating anything. He's a nobody. A fuckboi, imagine fanboi'ing/white knighting that... pathetic.
The best thing he has goin for him is his descriptions on his website.
Go to the corner fanboy. You are reading experiences, not the Sunday comics. Copy is a scammer/fraud/hype wagon driver. You sir.. are riding in the back of the wagon. Post pics of those herms & males. Can you? I have already. :eyesmoke:
Man your handle is Mr head bro come on to easy
There is a lot to hate.
I have no affiliation with copy at all and yes I did buy some packs but it just sad that a bunch of grown ass men have nothing better to do then to talk shit lmaoooo
Let’s get one thing straight about copy..

his name is gregorie d’alessio.
He’s a known informant and possible child predator.
Kidnapped an underage girl and ratted on his blood family to skip jail time.

lives at his parents house which they have an “in laws apartment” on the property.

gregorie lives at 2389 victory highway coventry ri Zillow will show you which room he goes live from

gregorie also likes to brag about calling the police on disgruntled customers when they realize they bought bullshit.

If this is who you align yourself with LOLOLOLOL @ you
Found this on chuckers a few minutes ago upon some investigative journalism lol

Came across a thread that got closed regarding this guy and whether he is legit or not. I’m not here to try to convince you to side or not side with the guy, only to tell you the truth of the matter with Gregorio d’alessio, Olin grant, copycat, big Dan, designer, and any other name he has tried to pretend on.

In the 90s us guerilla growers had nowhere to go for help and knowledge other than forums. Olin Grant was a dude I met on the forums. Decent grower. Better breeder (or a better word might be creating feminized seeds in an era where quite frankly we didn’t have a lot of access to good ones). He would acquire really nice cuts from other forum heads and was known for creating the fems and letting them go to the forum heads for pennies on the dollar. He was a solid dude but unfortunately got into some harder drugs and passed away. During this time, Gregorio D’alessio (copycat genetics of TODAY), bought a shit ton of seeds from Olin (the real copycat) using his parents money, and started attempting to breed with them. Olin was such a nice guy that he would literally hook his friends up with free packs when in need. He wanted to make sure everybody could have access to the good shit, especially if they couldn’t afford it. Fast forward and Olin starts dabbling with some harder drugs and ended up dying. Gregorio then started repackaging said seeds and selling them as his own while taking Olin’s credit from him and Using quite a few different names (including big dan’s genetix) until taking the copycat genetics name and using it as his own. Olin was dead, so not many people are going to know anything aside from some dude selling a bunch of rks, ecsd, high octane, federal reserve, etc seeds that he originally purchased from Olin. Gregorio even got his fucking ass beat by some dudes I won’t name for ripping them off and ruining their huge harvest back in the day.

By the way, the story I’ve been hearing from most has been that Olin bought seeds from Gregorio and never paid him. Complete lie. There were literal forum posts calling Gregorio out and that’s why he changed his name so many times. Gregorio claims he never got paid and that he’s the real copycat when that’s a complete lie. The reality is that Gregorio sent Olin half the cheddar up front, and was going to pay the other half upon delivery. Sure enough he never paid Olin the rest and ghosted him.

fast forward to today, the only Stable seeds the guy has is, guess what?Rks, ecsd, federal reserve, possibly renamed Urkle, ape, etc. coincidence? If anybody wants to verify anything I’m saying please DM riot on IG as he’s been around just as long and has been an integral part of the underground cannabis community since the 90’s/early 2k.

I did a 2 year stretch for possession way back when and then another 7 year bit for cultivating down in AZ, so by the time I got out and heard Olin had died, I noticed that the copycat name was still inplay. I noticed his page going “live” so I joined in and noticed the dude talking was doing a free giveaway. Someone won hisfree pack and I thought to myself. Cool well I’m confused about what’s going on but at least he’s paying it forward. The next week I join in and guess what? I won the giveaway of a pack called “Runtz-o-holic”. I popped them immediately and after flipping light cycle over I immediately started noticing bisexual plants (herms) on a few of them, while one was a complete male. Chalked it up to whatever culled them and kept rocking. After 3 weeks I had 2 more herms, and the last 2 I had from the pack still seemed to be good. And sure enough literally days after that hermed too. So the last one phenotype I had was good, but ended up straight bammer. Completely different from the others in every way imaginable not sharing any of the same dominant traits of the others. A completely different strain.

This got me wondering what else he was lying about, so I messaged him only to be ignored and eventually blocked and accused of “lying to get clout” haha. Such horse shit. So I made an alt on IG and started listening in.

That’s when I noticed that everything that comes out of this culture vulture’s mouth is an utterly blatant lie. Lies about who his wife is even though real wife is on IG with pics of her him and her kids. Lies about his criminal charges,

Lies about his lifestyle, lies about every single thing he says.

I can go on and on. Gregorio if you’re reading this I hope riot sends you 100 more confetti exploding dicks and sperms for you to get splattered all over your floor. I hope you call the cops again, and I sure as fuck hope you come out from your basement one of these days to show your face :)

Oh and if anybody wants any more info (case numbers, inmates I personally know that did time with him, pictures. Etc. just DM me.

Have a nice day

Rockwiz from Chuckers

His & her grows - video from 2016 where you can clearly see Dan’s slim mug if paused. The fact that ppl still get burned today with all the info out there regarding his shenanigans is beyond me.
I have more packs.. am I gonna pop them.. eventually I’ll get to them.. once I don't have a thing else going, because I’m not chancing it.
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If anyone is interested in photos of copy I have plenty of those as well.. seems like old Greg doesn’t understand the internet archives are forever