correct temp control set-up?


I think I've got the basic components of temp control designed into my room:

1) fresh air intake with in-line fan
2) exhaust run starting with carbon filter, running through vented hoods, and out the building, run by in-line fans
3) an ac unit / a heat unit, depending on what is needed, type of year, etc.

What is the best way to have all of these configured?

I was thinking the best way would be to have the ac unit/heat unit on its own thermostadt and having the air intake and exhaust together be on a separate thermostadt. The ac/heat unit could be set to a certain temp to try to regulate the room and the intake/exhaust could be set at a higher/lower temp to be turned on only when I need to really bring the temps up or down quickly.

Does this sound right?

I have a sealed room and hope to someday add CO2.

I understand that there are expensive controllers that do all of this for you, but it isn't in the budget at this time.



Well-Known Member
if you have a ac unit devoted to your grow room i would seal the room air tight and have a seperate venting for you lights. otherwise you will be venting out you freshly cooled/dehumidified air out of room. some guys will tell you your plants will need lots of fresh air, which is true, but just opening the door to visit once a day will be more than enough. also with a sealed room you can add co2 and you wont need to woory about the smells . if you ac unit is portable, make sure its a duel hose or ask me how to convert it to duel from single


1mikej, without your ventilation guidance I think I would have built a room that, when plugged in, would have self imploded :)

So I'll run a direct vent for my hoods from the outside, through my vented hoods, then back outside, all pushed with an in-line fan.


1) Assuming I have 2 1000 watt hps with 8 inch venting, in what location does the inline fan go? Is it best before the exhaust pulling everything through, or next to the intake pushing everything through, or in the middle somewhere?

2) I assume I do not need a carbon filter, since this air never mixes with the flower room air? Correct?

3) How do you control this separate hood ventilation system? By separate thermostadt?

4) What about a fresh air intake? Where does that fit into this equation? If I have a separate ventilation system for hoods. A separate AC unit on its own thermostadt.... do I need a fresh air intake and, if so, is it also a totally separate system.. controlled by timer or thermostadt?

I'll get all of this someday.

Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
hey, ok some guys think pulling the air is better some think pushing the air is better. i like to push the air for 2 reasons. 1st and biggest reason is the air is really hot so if you pull the air your fans will get hot and will shoten its life. remember electric motor hate to get hot. 2 reason is if you pop a bulb you dont suck it into your fans and shoot glass shards out the vents while fucking up fan. i put mine on 1 end and push. just make sure it pulling air from outside and it vents back to out side. in from the left side of shed out on the right side of shed. i dont use a carbon filter no need for the reason you allready stated. so yes no filter needed but using a small can van and filter left in room will lower stink in the room but i dont do that cause i like going in the room and smelling buds just close the door behind you lol. i really dont contol hood vents fans. they are on a timer with the lights so when lights go on the fans turn on always full speed. as for fresh air all you need to is open door and visit them once a day. i go days without visiting them.


damn, you are one smart fella! betcha grow some killer stuff.

how many plants do you have under each 1000 watter?


Well-Known Member
lol i grow 7 plants at a time. i grow white widow which is a bushy plant they get about 3 feet around. plants need some space. if you crowd them like almost everyone does on this site they fight for the light .they race to reach light instead of building bud sites. when i 1st started at this i would have 30 in the room. half get squashed by stonger plants and are worthless. the rest only have 1 or 2 solid colas, a waste. i get more and better with 7. remember the roots need room to. small roots small buds