

Well-Known Member
its not what you wear or put on the outside its what you have on the inside. i find people who have to have a bunch of piercings or tattoos to be rather shallow people. they are trying to make up on the outside what they are lacking on the inside. they are followers not leaders for the most part. they have the mentality of sheep.if one person does it ..oh thats sooo cool i think ill get a tattoo on my face and forehead. ( seen people with them on their face and forehead) branded RETARD.
if you want a tat on your forehead go ahead..but i and millions of others will think you are a dumb ass. almost no one will ever hire you for a decent job.
the whole thought of people being that damn ignorant and breathing our air..and worse yet BREEDING OTHER IDIOTS. we get to pay for with out tax money..
i think thats alot of what has happened to our country..we have been paying idiots to reproduce for decades now and they now out number the smart in this country and are dragging us down to their level.
damn. there is a lot of hate in this post and this thread.

you must be smoking crack - it can't be weed. weed generates tolerance, and this post and thread is nothing but negative stereotypes.


What do you consider "normal" dress attire for people in our society today and how did you decide this?

Why do you assume people's childhoods who don't conform to what you consider "normal" were "probably rich with violence and other less civilized conduct"?


Bikers wearing costumes. Your a dumb ass. The only costume I wear is the one I have to put on to go to work. Everything else has a purpose. Leather jacket, steel toed boots, chaps: Thats the only skin I'm willing to lose because some dipshit cage driver on a cell phone made a left in front of me so they could get to the fucking mall 5 seconds faster. Sunglasses: Eye protection from bugs, cigarettes, spit and every other goddamn thing that comes out of moving cars. Do you just feel the need to get offended by everything you don't understand? Next time you see a biker go ask him why he's wearing a costume. Maybe he'll show you his clown shoes before he puts them up your ass.

Grandma's boy

Active Member
I always wonder what the guy wearing the uglyass golf shirt from JC Pennies was thinking!
Just because they sell it, doesn't mean you have to buy it.

Maybe you should just approach one of those "social outcast", and ask'em what they're thinking, dressing like that.


Well-Known Member
Just rick's excuse to not wear clothes. What costume do you wear rick when you absolutely have to go out into public without peeing in the pool?


Well-Known Member
I can kind of see Rickwhites perspective. Only to a certain degree tho.
i dont think its maladjustment tho, on the contrary i think its adjusting to ones environment that makes them dress how they do.

in my eyes, i get out of the shower every day and dress as tho i'm going to a job interview, slacks or tan or black dickies. (unless its hot, then its dickies shorts)
and a button up or a polo shirt.
see in my mind i dress ready to be wherever life might need me to be.
when others(judgers) look at me, they might see my costume to be somewhat gangster, but thats ok to me.
i dont want these judgers anywhere near me trying to pick up on my rhythm.
however, i also know that the way i dress attracts certain people.
i know that my tatoos when exposed makes people either cringe and look away, or it makes others open wide, stare and embrace any words that are soon to come out of my mouth.
i do it for myself and the people i attract. i dont do it for the people that get scared or intimidated at first glance.


Bikers wear all their "getup" so when they come off the bike they retain some skin. Sorry it looks silly to you, then again the penis on your face made me laugh too.


Bikers wearing costumes. Your a dumb ass. The only costume I wear is the one I have to put on to go to work. Everything else has a purpose. Leather jacket, steel toed boots, chaps: Thats the only skin I'm willing to lose because some dipshit cage driver on a cell phone made a left in front of me so they could get to the fucking mall 5 seconds faster. Sunglasses: Eye protection from bugs, cigarettes, spit and every other goddamn thing that comes out of moving cars. Do you just feel the need to get offended by everything you don't understand? Next time you see a biker go ask him why he's wearing a costume. Maybe he'll show you his clown shoes before he puts them up your ass.
Hmm. Received warning for this.
Let me rephrase: Good sir, I find offense in your comment about motorcycle enthusiasts. I personally am a motorcycle enthusiast and do not consider my attire an attempt to garner unnecessary attention. In fact, it is my belief that such attire is necessary and prudent considering the many dangers that face individuals engaged in motorcycling.
Perhaps you failed to understand the purpose of the personal attire you see motorcycle enthusiasts wearing. May I suggest that upon seeing a motorcycle enthusiast, you make a similar comment to them, so they may properly explain by placing their footwear in an appropriate location.


Well-Known Member
this is pretty offensive. i like to wear a plethora of different styles. i love gothic clothing and im pierced and tattooed. im not ignorant or dumb or a sheep of any kind. i wear it because i like the way it looks, i like the way i look in it, and im comfortable in it. my tattoo was sort of a right of passage for of my first long term "adult" decisions i'd ever made. and my piercings were a therapeutic way of proving to myself that i can control my fear and do anything if i put my mind to it. why does the way other people dress matter to you? if they want to walk around looking like an idiot...who cares? we're not in any position to be judging anyone. let people be who they want to be as long as it isnt hurting anyone else...


Active Member
If its different than yourself its bad? If they dont dress like you theres something wrong with them? some people like to be different, dont want to wear the same stuff as everyone else. They are maladjusted, its a costume? They could say the clothes you wear are costumes too. and that your maladjusted because you want to dress like everyone else, you have no sense of diversity.