Cotton balls?


Active Member
Hey there, im about a week away from harvesting my BBNL plant, everythings going ok but last night i noticed some weird looking cotton ball type things under one of the leaves on the main cola, it looks like some kind of spider egg sack or summing :S? just wondered what u guys think it could be and if i should worry. Cheers p.s you can see it in the 2nd pic at the bottom of the leaf :)



Well-Known Member
Kind of hard to see. Is that the only one? If so, I would cut that leaf off and throw it far far away


Well-Known Member
Yeah, looks just like a spider's egg sac. Spiders will only eat what eats your plants (and others), so no harm, no foul. If the eggs are gone then you can just swipe it off. Which is pointless since you took the leaf off. :lol:


Active Member
yeh sorry thats the best my phone camera will do lol! I thought it was the only one but i found one earlier lower down the plant, nearer the bottom buds :(, i have cut it off and thrown it now, what do you think it could be? some kind of spider taken a liking to my buds?? lol


Active Member
Yeah, looks just like a spider's egg sac. Spiders will only eat what eats your plants (and others), so no harm, no foul. If the eggs are gone then you can just swipe it off. Which is pointless since you took the leaf off. :lol:
Ok man cheers, ill just monitor it and remove them when i see them, i just dont wanna smoke anything nasty seeing as im cropping in a week :weed:


Well-Known Member
I think if you shake them and mess with them it'll discourage the spiders from feeling so safe in there. You've gotta admit, from a spider's point of view, your plants are the PERFECT place to raise their kids. Remember Charlotte's Web?


Active Member
yeh lol i get where your coming from, ive just had another look tho and its worse than i thought, there are patches on over half of the buds of like cobwebs :S, really really fine silk almost cobwebs.


Active Member
heres another pic, i know its not that clear but u can just kinda see near the centre of the bud a kind of wispy web



Well-Known Member
Nice buds. Yes, I can just make something out there, but it's hard with all those God damned trichomes getting in the way. :-P

How about removing as much web as you can, maybe by taking a paper towel or something like that and LIGHTLY brushing it over/past the buds, see if it picks up those webs?


Active Member
lol cheers, it is pretty frosty :D. Thats a good idea, ill give it a go and see if it works, i have an old brush that i use for getting all the crystals out my grinder, i might give that a go too, thanks again! :D


Active Member
You don't have spider mites do you? Those little bastards spin webs. Keep and eye out for them, they're really tiny.
Hey, i dont think its spider mites, as i havnt had them before and i havnt moved the plant outside or brought anything from outside into the set up, i check under the leaves regulary and havnt found anything so far. I brushed/picked (its hard coz the buds are so sticky) all the ''webbing?'' i could see and none has returned so far, so hopefully woteva was creating it has pissed off somewhere else lol :peace:


Well-Known Member
yea i looks like mold i had some on my clones ur room must have too much of a high humidity in it inspect the plants very well all over cut it off and lower the humidity you will be fine if its bugs or eggs cut the plant now its starting to get to late into budding and they will fuck your crop up so harvest now cure a long time

but its your choice


Active Member
i thought about it being mold but tbh i have never worried about humidity in the set up and have never sprayed the plant or anything to increase humidity, ive removed what i could see and none has returned so far, im cropping in 5 days, so i get more cbd than thc, hopefully it will be ok till then :D, cheers for your help guys.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, Dr. X, I really think that if it was something like spider mites or mold you would also be experiencing problems with the plant itself, not just finding webs.


Active Member
i agree seamaiden :), about 10 mins ago i found some more tho on the main cola, this is the most amount ive seen, aslong as woteva it is isnt killing my plant/eating my thc im not too long as i can get it off before i smoke it :)