coughing blood.. anyone else??


Well-Known Member
How can anyone in their right mind cough up blood and not see a doctor? Smoking does irritate the lungs, but not make them bleed. You are in denial...get to your doctor ASAP


Ursus marijanus
How can anyone in their right mind cough up blood and not see a doctor? Smoking does irritate the lungs, but not make them bleed. You are in denial...get to your doctor ASAP
Olga and Irina are strolling on the prospekt.
"Irina ... lately, I'm seeing spots."
"Oh Olga ... that's not good. Have you seen a doctor?"
"So far, Irina, no ... just the spots."
Have you heard of grit weed?
Unfornatly its a reality.
I dont know how prevalent it is on the states but here in europe every bag of weed buy has glass in it.
Some forms of grit weed are microscopic , others are easier to identify.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of glass in bud as well as silica sand(carcinogen). Whether it's the bud or not, I'd sure as hell find a way to see a Dr. Coughing up blood would scare the shit outta me since two people close to me passed from lung cancer and they coughed up blood. I know ur young but that doesn't mean ur immune. I think teas and edibles are the way to go as smoking anything fucks up ur lungs. I love my bud but I wish I never started smoking as u can enjoy it many other ways. Just ma opinion...peace.
I´d wager on grit weed
There have been reported death of collapsed lungs so far.
I dont get why drug dealers would contaminated weed with something that
kills their costumers quickly and painfully
Whats the profit in that?
F*** greddy dealers if the profit in dealing weed wasn´t enough
In a few years we will see a lot of young folks with silicosis , tubercolusis , colapsed
lungs etc


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's the dealers I think it's the cops doing it a putting it back in circulation
so they can point their fingers and say see it's killing people.
If they get caught the other cops will cover for them.


Well-Known Member
Fact is there's no profit in weed once it's been through a couple people do they do this dumb shit. If they want money go into cocaine. I've heard of growers standing next tO a near ready to harvest crop and just spraying it with this shit. Pointless. It's like people that sell gram bags just to get a little bit more