Could any mathmeticians/experienced growers help?


Well-Known Member
I have a grow spot on the top ridge on a mountain, and there is lots of water down this valley that I need to get up the mountan to the grow spot. The vertical distance from the valley below to the grow spot is 500-600 feet, I need a gas pump thats powerful enough in able to get the water from down the valley up to the grow spot. Does anything like this even exist?

The cliff going down the valley is dangerous and hard to climb, I wouldn't risk anymore than one trip up and down for the hose. So that automatically rules out hauling water up and down.

What kind of HP would I need in a gas pump for this to work out?


Well-Known Member
It would need to be pretty huge dude. Do you realize how loud that thing is going to be?


Well-Known Member
yes I do realize how loud it will be, thats why I would only be using it to fill a large reservoir very few times. Does anyone here know how muchHP a gas pump would have to be to get water up a 600 foot valley?


Well-Known Member
Going to be real hard to find a pump that can lift 500 ft. You could do it in steps with more than one pump but cost is going to kill you.