Could Anyone Lend an Experienced Eye Here?


Well-Known Member
then your good with that. I would just say feed them with some vegg food, and remember they are big plants so DON'T got too light on your food
If you can take a pic of the whole plant?
Hey here they are.
I believe they have stopped getting worse because they look a little better, and the leaves dont seem to be wilting as much, but im worried about the purple/reddishness on the stems in pic 4.
Photo 2 is a groupshot in the tent, and photos 1 + 3+ 5 are the three plants individually.



Well-Known Member
Sorry had to re-read the thread as it is getting a bit long isn't it! Anyway i see that it looked like N deficiency but underferted would be my best guess here, you gave it nutes and it looked a lot better so that is a start, if you are worried about the soil i think lime would help out here, not only dose it help buffer the soil but it also supplies cal/mag. You can topdress the soil with fine crushed garden lime or better still mix it into the soil before planting in it. I don't remember if you had limed or supplied cal/mag but i don't see the soil being deficient in much more than this and if it is a high peat product soil then lime is essential.

Glad the wilting has stopped!
Sorry had to re-read the thread as it is getting a bit long isn't it! Anyway i see that it looked like N deficiency but underferted would be my best guess here, you gave it nutes and it looked a lot better so that is a start, if you are worried about the soil i think lime would help out here, not only dose it help buffer the soil but it also supplies cal/mag. You can topdress the soil with fine crushed garden lime or better still mix it into the soil before planting in it. I don't remember if you had limed or supplied cal/mag but i don't see the soil being deficient in much more than this and if it is a high peat product soil then lime is essential.

Glad the wilting has stopped!
Thanks so much for the input.I hadnt previously limed it, or specifically put in cal/mag... I think ill hit it with some epsom salts and seaweed extract with the next watering, and check out getting some gardening lime. Epsom salts would do the same job as gardening lime, even just for now, right?
I also appreciate how long this thread is getting, i just hope soon enough i can put this to bed...


Well-Known Member
My predominant way of deciding if they need a water is by the pot's weight.I tend to water in one go, and then let dry. Ive read a lot of people saying they dont recommend watering in consistent small doses due to root rot so ive tried to let them dry between waterings.....
|This could be the problem with the wilt and would cause some nute lockout too, overwatering. I water the plant not the pot, if it is a small plant in a big pot i just water round the plant so the water will just soak down to the roots, i do this with seedlings too. If it is a big plant and it's roots are popping out the holes in the bottom and have hit the side of the pot and are quite established in the pot i go ahead and soak the whole soil in the pot till runoff.

I feel you have to work at your watering techniques a little and this could be half your problems. Is often the simple things that screw your plant up. When the watering is spot on you will notice your plant grows a lot as the pot dries with each sucssesive watering.

Epsom salts helps but calcium and epsom salts always worked better for me. I feel that calcium and magnesium are just as important as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium too.
Yeah, i agree i have to be more consistent with watering. I feel these problems were brought on by a combo of under-watering and my starting feeding too late...
Im going to source some lime tomorrow.
Hopefully they keep improving!


Well-Known Member
I hope so, you have posted a few threads now and finally some improvement, it is often the simple things that are the problem and what gives a gardener great patience. Can you post more pics of the plants in a day or two so we can see results. Thanks
I hope so, you have posted a few threads now and finally some improvement, it is often the simple things that are the problem and what gives a gardener great patience. Can you post more pics of the plants in a day or two so we can see results. Thanks
Exactly. I think its on the mend now... Im gonna say case closed, on the basis that they dont start getting worse...
I wanna thank everyone for their much valued thoughts and opinions!
I hope my next and final post in this thread is the update photos in 2 or 3 days of some seriously healthy bushy plants...
Peace out.


Well-Known Member
This happend to me once. I chalked it up to having my car nearby. Seems exhaust from one car the next door neighbor's truck somehow seeped inside. Easily detectible. Are you growing in a garage?