Could someone help me sex my plants?


I'm not sure if they are male or a female because it's hard to tell without a magnifying lens or a detailed manual. I was reading online and comparing pictures, and I think the tall, skinny plant is most likely a male because of the "ball and stick" clusters of preflower... although they might also be undeveloped female preflowers. I attached some photos. I just want to know for sure, because if it is male, I need to separate it from my two other girls before he pollinates them. He's already pretty big... Are males completely useless, or can they be smoked/cooked at all?




Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yeah from those pics only plant 3 can be determined as positive male. Unless you want to save his pollen for seeds later which unless you ve done it and it good genetics and not bag weed just chop it quickly as i spec of pollen your gonna ruin any females. One male can pollanate for miles and run an entiregrow area.


ah ok thanks, but to my original question, is there any way I can get some hash or something out of him? Or would it be so minuscule that it wouldn't be worth the effort?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its an immature male just chop it. The male plants max thc content is almost unmeasurable so especially so small it would be like drinking piss water. Do not waste your time.You can get no hash from it at all.


ok... Yeah, he's still a youngling... I was thinking of maybe picking off the leaves and making cannabis butter, but you're probably right, Filthy. The THC content is probably close to piss lol. I guess I'm just gonna chop him and throw him away :/. So sad... I felt like he had such great potential xD


Well-Known Member
aw man :/. Does that means he's useless? Can I still cook him or something? lol
Unless your breeding for seeds kill it asap. if you are breeding what strain is it? if it's a bag seed kill it. Don't get attached to your plants. If your breeding isolate it from the others. The two smaller ones look nice, buts we do need better pics to tell for sure. IMHO I would top the two smaller ones.


Unless your breeding for seeds kill it asap. if you are breeding what strain is it? if it's a bag seed kill it. Don't get attached to your plants. If your breeding isolate it from the others. The two smaller ones look nice, buts we do need better pics to tell for sure. IMHO I would top the two smaller ones.
Thanks man... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was actually starting to get attached to that plant xD. He is one of the first plants I grew (albeit he is pretty worthless...). I'm sure most people would laugh, but I sort of feel like I'm putting down my dog or something xD lmao!!! ok maybe not like that, but you know what I mean. Also, I'm just trying to get the females to flower or show their sex as soon as possible because I'm moving out of my apartment in about a month... I have them on 12 hour light cycle now for about two weeks.... If they're not ready in time, I'll probably just plant them in the wild and see what happens :p. Should I still top them if I just want them to bud asap?

Btw the guy I got the seeds from said it was OG kush.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
You don't have to be too concerned. A female pre- flower will have a hair sticking out of it. The dudes will look like little balls, and later, bananas. If you're not sure then wait a couple of days. They won't bust a nut until they are VERY apparent.