Could this PSA be more wrong!?


Active Member
I'm sorry but this has got to be the worst PSA I have seen in a while. Do these people think we're really this stupid to buy into this paranoia and false propaganda?? Weed doesn't keep you from not having a job, having a girlfriend and even less not eating, it's bad parenting that does, if I was that guys parents I would have kicked his ass out of bed instead of asking him nicely to get up. You were going to be a screw up regardless of how much Marijuana you smoked, don't blame a plant for your parents bad parenting. I have smoked since I was 15 , graduated top of my class and own 2 successful businesses and there hasn't been a day that I don't toke on some sticky icky.

And p.s. my girl is banging. ;)


We have to spread the truth before another reefer madness era comes along folks.


Well-Known Member
hes probably smoking to forget that creepy look his dad gets on his face everytime he molests him.

watched it again, creepiest dad on tv


Active Member
hes probably smoking to forget that creepy look his dad gets on his face everytime he molests him.

watched it again, creepiest dad on tv
Yooo That's what I was thinking!! xD Dad's like that is what gets you to try other drugs, not Marijuana.
Come on people, I know they keep putting up crap like this but doesn't anyone think that the people who will be affected most by legal weed are just scared that they will run out of buisness? Also we probably never will go back to a reefer madness era because now the ball is rolling thanks to the legal states, its just a matter of time!


Active Member
Come on people, I know they keep putting up crap like this but doesn't anyone think that the people who will be affected most by legal weed are just scared that they will run out of buisness? Also we probably never will go back to a reefer madness era because now the ball is rolling thanks to the legal states, its just a matter of time!
Agreed and it's about damn time I tell you what. I honestly did not believe it a few years ago, there has been real fast progress lately that has changed my mind; the scales have tilted too far for this to stop.


Well-Known Member
Myself and a friend actually watched aload of those PSA's last night when we were toking up, funny shit.