could use an opinion or two


Well-Known Member
Leafs starting to turn yellow, veins still green. Magnesium, or Manganese? Leafs arent twisting or anything, but I am losing a couple leafs a day, they turn yellow and then fall off, but veins stay green for a while.

Wish I could get a picture but lended my camera to a friend for a week. Using Foxfarm nutes, soil is ocean forest and P2 fafard mixed. I feed about once a week with big bloom, and Grow big. Ph is fine.

<3 RIU


Well-Known Member
how old are the plants? if they are aged 8 + weeks into flowering, it may be time to harvest?

there are too many possibilities for any1 to guess what the issue could be..


Well-Known Member
lol.... no they are not 8+ weeks into harvesting, if they were I wouldnt be asking this question.

to many possiblities??? sounds like you just dont know the answer to me.

Magnesium, or Manganese? those are the two possibilities.


Active Member
So, although I'm sure you've checked already, might be a good idea to check one last time before moving on...
If there's NO pests then answer me these ?'s

Where did the wilting start? Bottom to top? Top to bottom? With the new growth or the old? Are the leaves curling up ( and if they've been yellow for a while did they curl up from the beginning or just recently)? A lot of time really yellow leaves with green veins indicate Iron deficiency, but if the leaves are yellow all over it could just be Nitrogen def. (dudn't seem likely with your nutes atm though), and most likely magnesium like you were thinking IF the whole leaf is yellow and curled from the beginning.

Oh and Magnesium problems generally start with old growth, while Iron def. affects new growth. Nitrogen def. generally moves up the plant from the base...
Manganese problems usually show themselves as yellowing veins, but the tips of the leaves would stay green and would not be as likely to fall of, so I'm ruling this out at the moment.
Hope this helps, let me know :P

edit: oh and a pic of the leaf/plant would be helpful as well, if you can.
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Well-Known Member
without pictures and more detail there are many possibilities.... your right i dont have the answer, thats why i asked what the age of the plants, and suggested if they were 8+ weeks old it may be time to harvest....

yellowing and falling leaves can be the result of many many issues......