could use some help


Active Member
tryed in the indoor maybe u guys may no something

okay i just got these perfect little white willow and a few white willow and blue berry clones. they were in one inch cubes. almost all of them were already fully rooted and coming out.
some were almost there. now just 1 or 2 had 1 yellow leaf so i wasent worried he knows what hes doing so. my questions is i have 10 of these baby's under a 400 watt hps light. its been 9 days and i only seen 1 plant get 1 nug higher. is there something wrong the soil is moist. i use the best food and just a few brighter green leaves nothing really i have a maylar room with full vent. and fresh air. im running a hepa filter along with 2 6 inch fans to move the leaves. the water is perfect and my potions for the food i meaured to the tee...any help with these would be nice i have a susbsions that my light ballast may be bad but unsure. i have a very good bulb its like 430watt with the blue added to it. when i open the room it a yellow colour and when i enter it gets bright white light wear glasses.

i have the 400 watt about 18 inchs from the tops of the plants and i dont no why there not moving quicker am i just in a rush. i no they take 12 weeks but should i be seeing more?