could use some more help


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the Bubbleheads and DWC club


Haven't posted due to Laziness and because there is too much information I needed to get to where I am.:blsmoke: Thank all of you in the bubbleheads and DWC club for the wonderful info found here on RIU kiss-ass Its day 28 since I started germination. 6 days of that and into my Aerogarden to start. Put an airstone in there to help progress and see what tiny bubbles can do. I have put a Blue crimea and a Bubblegum each in a 5 gallon bucket witha 6" pot 12 inch airstone and away I went on october5th.
Ph'd water and nute mix (botanicare 15 ml, fox farm bloom 5mland liquid karma 5ml) ppm is at 450 ( although when I checked the next morning I had 700 ppm in the bubblegum and I could already see nute burn so changed res and started over without smoking a bowl beforehand lol) last night changed res same ppm 450.
This is where I need some help!!
I could use some info about adding nutes between res changes any good thoughts or threads I haven,t found?? Also would like some info on adding epsom salts for the magnesium, used that in my soil grow with good results.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
You need to experiment and figure it out - different strains have different requirements.

Also, different growers have different methods - some top off the rez to maintain PPM to what it was initiated at, and some only top off with plain water in between rez changes.

Sorry I can't give you a better answer - personally, I like to keep the PPM as steady as I can at all times, so I top off with nute'd water.


Well-Known Member
thanks that was my thought going in but I am new at DWC so don't want to waste my seeds especially since it is winter and growing will end with this grow till march. I know some people use cal mag as a supplement but I have always used Epsom salt in my soil grow anythoughts>>>

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
You only need to add Cal-Mag if your water is deficient and that deficiency isn't overcome by the nutes that you use.

Again, only experience is going to tell you if you need it - don't use it, and then if you notice a Mg deficiency, obviously you need it.


Well-Known Member
when I top off my res I check the ppm first. if I started the day before with a ppm of 1000 for example if I check it the next day and it stays at 1000 I add back a nute solution of 1000ppm. if the ppm has lowered than I figure out what I have to add to bring it back up to 1000. if the ppm rises than I just add phed water to bring it back down. if you res level drops and your ppm stays the same that means your plants are taking up an equal amount of water and nutes. if it rises than that means your plants are taking up more water than nutes and vise versa. hope that gives you a better Idea.


Well-Known Member
when I top off my res I check the ppm first. if I started the day before with a ppm of 1000 for example if I check it the next day and it stays at 1000 I add back a nute solution of 1000ppm. if the ppm has lowered than I figure out what I have to add to bring it back up to 1000. if the ppm rises than I just add phed water to bring it back down. if you res level drops and your ppm stays the same that means your plants are taking up an equal amount of water and nutes. if it rises than that means your plants are taking up more water than nutes and vise versa. hope that gives you a better Idea.
Thanks that really helps I was leaning that direction For a first grow in water it is blowing me away with the accelerated growth . now I just have to hope the sex is rightbongsmilie