could we produce plastic coins?


Well-Known Member
instead of metal coins, i think plastic ones would be awesome. it would weigh a LOT less(saving money in transport costs alone), and they would be cheaper to make. theres a few problems with it though...

1. it would have to be a special type of plastic. the average person shouldnt be able to just figure out what type of plastic it is, then make a mold to produce them. it would also need to be strong enough to take some wear n tear, like metal coins do

2. something about it should be very hard to reproduce. like water marks in dollar bills. maybe a specific swirl of colors in them? kind of like the cats eye design in marbles

if it was complexed enough, someone could make a machine to produce the exact same complexed design in every coin. someone like you and me would have a very hard time getting to to look just right.

3. i think metal coins are better for the earth than plastic coins, because eventually(after millions of years), the earth will swallow it up. then it will crush and/or melt it and it just becomes part of the earth again. the metal doesnt really hurt anything as far as i know. plastic probably wont be too good with the earth friendly people

any other problems that you can see? i started thinking about it, and i think it would be awesome if someone could figure out how to work out the kinks


Well-Known Member
instead of metal coins, i think plastic ones would be awesome. it would weigh a LOT less(saving money in transport costs alone), and they would be cheaper to make. theres a few problems with it though...

1. it would have to be a special type of plastic. the average person shouldnt be able to just figure out what type of plastic it is, then make a mold to produce them. it would also need to be strong enough to take some wear n tear, like metal coins do

2. something about it should be very hard to reproduce. like water marks in dollar bills. maybe a specific swirl of colors in them? kind of like the cats eye design in marbles

if it was complexed enough, someone could make a machine to produce the exact same complexed design in every coin. someone like you and me would have a very hard time getting to to look just right.

3. i think metal coins are better for the earth than plastic coins, because eventually(after millions of years), the earth will swallow it up. then it will crush and/or melt it and it just becomes part of the earth again. the metal doesnt really hurt anything as far as i know. plastic probably wont be too good with the earth friendly people

any other problems that you can see? i started thinking about it, and i think it would be awesome if someone could figure out how to work out the kinks
It would be illegal, in the U.S. it is only legally use Gold and Silver as money


Well-Known Member
It would be illegal, in the U.S. it is only legally use Gold and Silver as money
thats why none of our coins are gold or silver, right?

that would be cool. im not too into the non circular shapes though. the sharp edges would cause problems and may be hard to stack. but i do like the ones with the holes on the inside. like the penny and nickel in the second pic.

maybe they could all be circular and the same size. the denominations would be different in color, and also those holes on the inside(for the blind).

maybe being the same size isnt a good idea. if you have a roll of coins, it would be difficult to tell if there was another denomination in the middle of the stack. except the different colors i guess


Well-Known Member
It is SUPPOSED to be only legal to use Gold and Silver as money but it's not that way is it. Paper and Dye is just as accepted isn't it
thats why none of our coins are gold or silver, right?
Yeah we are only supposed to use gold and silver everything else is illegal.
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
Lots of countries already use plastic bills. Canada's money will be plastic in a few years.

There won't be plastic coins in our lifetime, almost every coin has a "ferromagnetic" signature read by all newer coin operated devices to tell it's value. Its the reason putting a washer in a coke machine won't give you free drinks! It's almost impossible to replicate, and the only reason vending machines are still around.


Well-Known Member
he's trying to be subtle about his distrust in government and institutions as a whole.

something to do against inflationary finance...... *yawn


Well-Known Member
So a person could melt a plastic penny and make two dimes which would viginti their profit?
no he meant if someone melts the plastic penny, its no longer in circulation. that could become a serious problem if enough coins get destroyed. plus its a federal crime to deface coins, so having plastic coins would make that more likely to happen. kids would probably have fun burning coins

Yeah we are only supposed to use gold and silver everything else is illegal.
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
that is in place so states do not create their own money. in the beginning, every state(even every city) had separate economies and therefore had different bills, coins, etc. this was a problem because americans liked to travel. this made sure if someone was going to take currency across state lines, it was accepted at their destination. nowadays, we have a federal money system, which makes it MUCH easier to exchange cash across state lines. a penny is a penny, no matter where you go in the US. same goes for every other denomination...


Lots of countries already use plastic bills. Canada's money will be plastic in a few years.

There won't be plastic coins in our lifetime, almost every coin has a "ferromagnetic" signature read by all newer coin operated devices to tell it's value. Its the reason putting a washer in a coke machine won't give you free drinks! It's almost impossible to replicate, and the only reason vending machines are still around.
maybe we could think of a new form of detection for machines?


Well-Known Member
Yah. That's a problem. LOL
yeah... :?

maybe for vending machine detection, every coin denomination has that cats eye swirl in it, each with its own color/shape. inside of that cats eye coloring is tiny metal flakes. since every coin is produced by a machine, every one would have that sameness to them(idk what to call it)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
who the hell uses coins anymore? they are a very outdated way to pay if you ask me. i almost never use cash nowadays, not even for a 2 dollar drive through order. the sooner we do away with paper/metal money, the sooner we can get our finances in order. people forget that paper money is technically worthless. it only represents a peice of the pie, a placeholder. who needs it? do you know how many millions of dollars of pennies are just sitting in a jar on people's dressers? to hell with the stuff.


Well-Known Member
plastic coins are coming; you watch. they're implanted with RFID chips. RFID = Mark o' the Beast
actually the coins will be the precursor to the actual mark. get ya'll used to the idea of walkin around with trackable chips on your person before they bust out the nifty new subdermal credit device and it's attendant Iphone app.