Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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New Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6397325 said:
and we all love you jayy.
I hope this forum is like an etch-a-sketch!
Shake it and forget it, I was having a bad day!
Thanks guys!

:joint: Jayy's


Well-Known Member
I did a little digging for myself, and the concept of stronger seeded buds was first cited in Robert Clarke's "Marijuana botany- an advanced study". He states that because the plant still needs to protect the seeds, it gives itself two primary functions, producing viable seeds and producing more trichomes within the vicinity of the seeds because they act as a natural sunscreen to UV which is otherwise harmful. The science actually seems sound behind. Until you publish a book of your own studies, slimjim, I'm actually going to go with Clarke on this one and do some more in-detail reading of his studies.

I probably won't go through the effort of seeding my buds but if it all pans out I may actually start.
Yeah I don't bother with intentional seeding either,it's impractical for me to buy seeds to try find a male,it'd waste a spot a female could be in.

Doesn't mean it's not valid or true tho ;)


Well-Known Member
So your looking for a male not a hermie where is the BOOK on hermie seeded weed that throws full male branches and those being the best weed and also all those seeds being female without hermie trait or less of it.... There is none.


Active Member
So your looking for a male not a hermie where is the BOOK on hermie seeded weed that throws full male branches and those being the best weed and also all those seeds being female without hermie trait or less of it.... There is none.
What point are you trying to make here? Seeded buds are seeded buds, the only reason he said he'd have to look for a male is because not every plant is going to herm on you, and a normal female wouldn't pollenate itself. As for the seeds being female without hermaphroditic traits, how is that relevant? that has nothing to do with the argument put forth that seeded bud can be stronger.

I hope this forum is like an etch-a-sketch!
Shake it and forget it, I was having a bad day!
Thanks guys!

:joint: Jayy's
Think we've all been there, but we can all move on. Not like you came round to my house and snatched my prize seedling from my tent.


Active Member
Go on, do explain, slimjim, how did I insult or attack you this time? Is it because I disputed your point again? a few pages back you were telling people to take your insults on the chin and not to be a pussy, now we're actually discussing scientific studies and you're playing the verbal assault card?!


Well-Known Member
Go on, do explain, slimjim, how did I insult or attack you this time? Is it because I disputed your point again? a few pages back you were telling people to take your insults on the chin and not to be a pussy, now we're actually discussing scientific studies and you're playing the verbal assault card?!
ya how did we "attack" you this time?


Active Member
one crusty old stoner's opinion:

Perhaps you're right. Very easy to lose track of oneself when you're talking about something you're passionate about.

I'm officially out. There's less chance of having a reasonable discussion about seeded buds here than at a zoo


Well-Known Member
I mean like all you guys have time for this crap? Seriously, slimjim you have time and energy to fight with faceless people on the intardnet.? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
ugh pointless insults and false accusations im done because this is where you know this is going no where and helping no one. obviously we have our own opinions and nobody is going to change there own. so im going to be done because now i feel that this has become unneeded everyone one has put there opinion and there nothing else that came be done about it. slimjim thinks were attacking him we think hes attacking the original poster lets just all make peace and go smoke a bowl.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6397527 said:
ugh pointless insults and false accusations im done because this is where you know this is going no where and helping no one. obviously we have our own opinions and nobody is going to change there own. so im going to be done because now i feel that this has become unneeded everyone one has put there opinion and there nothing else that came be done about it. slimjim thinks were attacking him we think hes attacking the original poster lets just all make peace and go smoke a bowl.
I already said i might have came off like a jerk and that it was not my intention but the attacks on me continued it took 20 pages for anyone to say anything really about his plants or give him helpful info you guys only attacked me. There is no way to tell him his plants are thrash nicely no matter who would have said it no matter how they said it he would have freaked out. Some people cant take the truth or criticism some can the OP cant. And yes i attacked back the jerk called me a faggot would be no different then someone calling someone a nigger yet you all support his actions.... I never called him a faggot and did not attack back until he did so i gave him info i might have came off dick but like i said he took it WAY to far and you all support that?


Well-Known Member
just have to say for last post there is nicer ways to say things instead of saying his plants look like crap and he shouldnt be growing or on riu you could have pointed out that its a hermie (he didnt know) and it should be cut down to smoke whatevers on it or to make some nice cannabutter


Well-Known Member
Your first post on this thread was the very definition of trolling, you said something hurtful to elicit an emotional response. In fact it could be considered baiting too.

Even when we moved onto grow discussion,you still had to butt in and try be the centre of attention.
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