Could You Promote Root Growth & Keep Your Rooms Good Temps During Night ??


Active Member
Thinking of putting baseboard heaters on at 63F when lights are off as its getting to cold in the room ...... howevers theres little space to work with in the room so the heaters would go under the tables...

Is it ok to have heaters under tables???? the heaters and the table are about 3 feet apart

Could this potentnially encourage root growth, and why are there only heat blakets just for cuttings and not for big tables as well????


Active Member
sorry was a bit high when i wrote that dont know if it makes sense... pretty much i have to put in baseboard heaters under my tables as it gets to cold at night( when lights are off)..... they have to go under the tables as there is no other place for them.....

but then i started to think if this could potentially be good for roots as i know roots like warmth and they have those warm blankets u put under ur trays when u make cuttings so wouldnt the same theory apply to plants in veg and bloom?

ANyone ever have tried having heaters under tables inorder to promote root growrht???

the church man

Well-Known Member
do you guys know how far i can get away with letting temps get low? it stays around 60 - 70 in my room and drops around five each night. is it ok to have my plant around 55-60 at night?

i might be interested in one of these mats for my roots. i read somewhere that plants are able to handle the cold as long as their roots are warm. it kinda makes sense because the air cools a lot faster at night then the ground does....


Active Member
they are pricey... but they work the best...

with that hot air rising i would be afraid that the plants would dry out...
It comes acrooss as those mats being more for seedlings and cuttings, would u think the same would be for plants in veg and bloom.... I know for a fact roots dont like it cold, they probably like it a lil warm but what temp?

Has there ever been any sceince done behind this?

What i was thinking of doing for my seceniero is having a fan on the heaters so the heats spreads, the tables are in a sqaure 8x8 feet so there is quite a large area for the heat to rise up and i do hydro so i am there every day, Plus these heaters wouldnt be cranked or anything.... I would set to a certain heat like 63 and they would turn on and off to maintain that heat....

WHat u think am i onto something or is this s a stupid idea


Active Member
do you guys know how far i can get away with letting temps get low? it stays around 60 - 70 in my room and drops around five each night. is it ok to have my plant around 55-60 at night?

i might be interested in one of these mats for my roots. i read somewhere that plants are able to handle the cold as long as their roots are warm. it kinda makes sense because the air cools a lot faster at night then the ground does....
You got it man, the earths soil stays luke warm while the plant is exposed to the colder weather....

Just to let u know the difference between day temps and nights temps souldnt be much larger then 12 deg...

I think 55 is too low...i have my days temps at 82 and try to have my night time temps at around 70


Active Member
bongsmilieplant roots are good between 65 and 75F any warmer cause rot heat isonly to initiate root growth
ok, what if ur rooms are 85+ and u use cubes dont u think the roots would be closer to that temp then 65-75???? or is the 65-75 range more for night time?