Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I paid 2 donations to the elite society. I am still waiting for mine. I paid for 2 by mistake. It would be cool to donate another one to OHSOGREEN as he has helped so much in going organic. Lots of posts. LOl. So still waiting and if ya can donate one membership since I bought two, that would be nice;)


Well-Known Member
Yep, I just donated my 5 bucks. Sounds like they don't quite have the system automated yet. I wonder if RIU could use another admin, I think I would qualify :)


Well-Known Member
I also donated and wanted to check out the 1 month of elite!

If I like it then I would be more than willing to continue my subscription. Any word on when it might kick in? Been about 4 days so far here.



Well-Known Member
I've also donated for the new servers... Was wondering when the "Free" elite membership starts? Been a few days now.:peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah....I know what you mean bro...I felt like I waited forever:) you probably missed the cutoff and gotta wait for the next group of people.....I think thats how it works anyway!! I will smoke a bowl for you though:) peace!!


Well-Known Member
rollitup has been out of town on a family emergency. i spoke with him yesterday and he was still away. hopefully he can get to this as soon as he returns. i do not know when that will be. sorry for the delay.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
you not supossed to tell anyone that CJ! while you went there though, might as well mention the free newsletters every 2 weeks:) :hump::hump::hump: