Couldn't Pay For Elite membership


Well-Known Member
same reason they wont say anything about it, too goddamn lazy and couldn't care any less.

They prob also see that with the HR645 and FEMA camps that it's prob useless.
They do care enough tho to give out negative rep for pointing it out, how sad.


Well-Known Member
did you change your qoute or did it get erased? or am I just too blazed??
I changed it, well removed it and went with a better one.

I dont really care about neg rep i get from someone that doesnt matter to me, plp get flak for speaking their minds all the time, can't help it that some plp don't like what I have to say, it's normal.


Well-Known Member
me niether, don't care about the neg reps much,, the infractions bother the hell outta me though
Havent got one of those as of yet, but Im not gonna b on here much anymore, so I wont get much time to get any.

I got projects to work on until my next harvest.


New Member
so what im getting at by reading this is i cant sign up to be a member so i can delete my old posts and even more importantly my pics. IM really starting to get very pissed basically my paranoid ass can continue to be paranoid because I will never be able to DELETE my FUCKING PICS!!! FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCK!!!!!!! I wonder if I go and break the rules and get banned if then my pics n stuff will magically vanish! I think its FUCKED UP you cant edit shit and delete pics without being a member anyway! BUT FUCK, NOW WE CANT EVEN BECOME A MEMBER??????? WTF!!!!


New Member
even as a elite member, you are limited to your editing. you can't go back and delete everythin

that sucks man, but all i really want to do is delete the pics. I cant believe i cant sign up....that really cooled down now , but damn a few mins ago, i couldve really hurt


New Member
Usually what helps me out is I just post pics with incriminating evidence linking the former president George W. Bush in ties with the growing operation. Silly Former president, we all know there is no medical cannabis in Texas.. At least not yet...


Active Member
How much for a membership? I've heard all the same info. about growing, I still find great new information in this site, I hope I can figure how to use this site. I have over 5yrs experience, but still have many questions.



Well-Known Member
Donnie, I know there are a lot of posts in this thread, but if you go back about five to ten pages (maybe more? there's been chit chat as well, lol)... you'll see that it is literally not too expensive, as it's simply not been possible to obtain Elite membership for a while now. Good luck! :lol: