Couple CLoning questions


Well-Known Member
Ok so started cloning my plants and iw ant to take a couple more clones off of my mothers except i notced that 4 of the ones i want to take are 7-9 inches. My humidity dome is only 8 inches tall. Can i just cram em in there? or top em or something?

Also the rockwool i have been using, the center hole you stick the clone into is like half and inch beig so it does not even hold the clone up? can is tick the clone in there and support it with dirt?

thanks in advance


New Member
well yeah you can its going to root before it can grow. so you should be good. dont quote me tho. can you maybe tape a piece of string to the stem to help support it. that would be better


Active Member
What is the purpose of taking a 9" cutting? Get some rapid rooters, take 3" cuttings, and make 3x 3" clones in a rapid rooter (small hole). Then when roots are coming out of the rapid rooter, it is exactly the size of the hole for your rock wool cube to transplant it in there.


Well-Known Member
I would just cut off a bit more of the stem, so they fit properly. I wouldn't cram 'em in - if the leaves are touching the sides of your dome, it can cause a problem.


Well-Known Member
I read that clones are suppose tob e 6-8 inches..... although im sure it doesnt really matter. Theyll all root. How do i make a nine inch stem into 3 inch stems? Can i just divide it in 3 although its one stem?

What i could do to support the stems is stick a couple twigs in the rockwool right beside the cutting, just something to lean into.

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Your cutting should have :

1. A nice and thick stem with a healthy node about half inch from the base.
2. The top should have two or three branches with foliage.
3. Cut with a 45º angle.
4. Scratch very very lightly the cork cambium at the base including the node with a clean blade.
5. Splice it once and apply rooting gel.
6. I rather have a rooting cube, rock wool is more apt to develop mould.
7. If foliage is abundant, clip it removing 2/3 of the leaf to help the plant develop roots instead foliage.
7. Mist your cuttings with ph water every 2 hours and keep your humidity at 80% min.

Your cutting does not need to be 9" tall, keep it at 3"-4" as commented above and the plant won't have to support a big structure and will focus on developing roots, that's your goal!

A lot of people are afraid to take cuttings but the truth is that 90% of the lower branches will produce tiny kinda buds and need no matter what to be removed in the 2 first week of flowering to focus on the sweet zone, so don't be afraid to select strong cuttings, your plant will say thank you. Do NOT top cuttings.


New Member
I cut my clones at 4 to 6 inches just right above the node ! 45% cut then placed in a cup of water then cut again under water at 45% then diped in cloning powder... I will buy some gel and see how that works later on this month. i place my clones into a bubble cloner it only take 5 to 7 days wow !


Active Member
Cloning is so easy.. it seems a little daunting for a newbie but really if you cover the bases the plant does all the work. I get so bored with it that I purposely try to ruin a clones chances by screwing things up and 80% of the time they still root! The only time I have trouble is if I take a clone off a weak or sick plant. All you need to know is high humidity, low light, and room temperature. Everything else is just extra, yes they will still root even without rooting hormone but the hormone improves your odds and speeds things up.