couple of noob questions


Active Member
im startin a sly grow an i gonna do it in my wardrobe.
im gonna have to control its height and heard u do this by switching to 12/12 an flowering it sooner, is tht rite?

also im only gonna grow plants just for a nice bit for myself to smoke, how big do u think it wud have to be if i just wanted to get an oz or so??



Well-Known Member
if your growing in a wardrobe your gonna be using cfls im guessing. if so keep them as close to your plants as possible. like 3 inches at most, and get light all around the plant. this will produce short bushy plants. you sould grow indicas too cuz they stay shorter. as for flowering soon thats a good idea. id say around a month from sprouts at earliest to 6-7 weeks very latest. LST works pretty good for short plants too. i have a plant thats about 9 weeks old and its about 15 inches at highest point. i flower'd it around 5 weeks i think. been flowering right at a month. i have 3 150 watt cfls directly above it and 2 100 watts on each side of her, they should be lower but well hell i do what i can, first grow. heres a pic of my girl.




Active Member
cheers man
nice plant :), how much u think you'll get off tht?

i got a 125w envirolite, the flowering one, so i aint got a veg lite.

just one plant at a time. im just experimenting really.


Active Member
ah thts ok then
well the space tht iv sectioned off to use is 45cmx55cm an height is 70 cm,
i can make bigger if i hav to, i wanna try keep it small tho, like i said im nt tryin to grow a lot, just a nice bit :)



Well-Known Member
From across the sea huh? hang on [SIZE=+1]70 centimeters = 27.5590551 inches[/SIZE]

ok Im better now.
You are gonna need to LST the shit out of that plant.

If your gonna fit a plant in there at all, you first need to account for room for the light, then room for the container.

I just dont see how you have any room left at all

Your fine on your horizontal dimensions, but you need at least 3.5 feet of height.


Active Member
lol. 3.5ft can be done. so its ok to use my lit for veg, so is tht 18/6?

Is the only reason we use fans to help it grow stronger? or is tht the reason at all? would a plant still survive without one? i have a little one to use but would rather not use it.

thanks =)


Well-Known Member
If you can leave the light on for veg 24 hours a day.

also the fan is used to circulate air around the plant.
you see as the plant "breathes" in co2 it releases oxygen, if the plant gets air stagnate, it will have a hard time breathing.

But your in a little growdrobe so heres my plan for you.

Get yourself 3.5 feet of room, get a low profile pot for the plant.

Veg the plant till its about 8 inches tall, then put a screen over the canopy and keep veggin for another 7-10 days making sure to put all new growth under the screen.

then switch to flower.

This is called SCROG (look up examples)

Also Get A fan and put it on a timer so that it runs like 15 mins every two hours to help with some circulation.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what ill get off this plant maybe a bit over an ounce if im lucky. its not terribly big but the buds are lookin nice, and i have im guessing about 2-3 weeks left in flower.

i use a large box fan cuz my room gets warm its just a closet and i have to keep my door open when lights are on. and airflow is a good thing with plants. im workin on getting a ventilation ceiling fan for my upcoming grow. as i have a new light in the works. and its gonna be a big one and hotter... this is it atm, its getting 6 more normal light sockets inside the round part of the U bulbs. gonna use 2 Y splitters and have 3x 150s in each, 18 of those and 6 of these U's. got 10 nirvana Hindu kush seeds. gonna be a good one :).




Active Member
yeh i'll be able to hav the lite on wenever..
i will use the fan then, do i just get one of the plug in socket timers?
Tht SCROG idea sounds good, i'll try tht.
iv heard tht i can just chop the top of the plant to stop it growing, does tht work?

thanks for ur help man..

an ounce is pretty good, id be happy with tht, wat do u normally get off an average plant then?

lol sounds complicated, dnt understand half of it, i'll be keepin track of ur grow diary if ur doin one tho?

chhers guys


Well-Known Member
if you only have 3ft of height i would switch to flower rather early. say when the plants are 8-10" and then i would practice LST'ing it. look it up in the growFAQ on how to do it. You'll get a good amount if buds since your plants will begin to grow more cola's. so you can maximize your bud amount without causing space issues.


Active Member
is it ok to do the low stress training on 12/12, if i shud start flowering early?


Well-Known Member
thats why I say the man can Scrog a screen full of plant matter, then flower at a normal time, as oppossed to a dainty little 8 inch tall plant that has to flower.

With Scrog He could get 2 zones out of this plant if it was done right.


Active Member
ok then, iv started a grow diary so if u wanna watch it then maybe u cud tel me wen to use the screen and give me some tips.

thanks man