Couple of quick questions


Active Member
What's up guys? Well I live with my GF and she has 37 acres of land. There's an old barn sort of in the woods that would be a perfect spot for me to grow a few plants. I hardly ever even smoke weed but when I do, I hate trying to find friends that have it and I hate buying it. If I come home from a long day and I want to just chill and relax, I want to be able to do that without risking getting caught out with it. I wanna do my own thing. I've just a couple of questions. First, what kind of water do you use to water them...just regular water or distilled water? And I was thinking of actually watering them about every 3 days but misting them with a spray bottle about 2 times a day. I was going to use MG about once a week. Is this good or is something wrong with that? My problem is going to be light...I have no way of hooking up a light out there unless I got one that was battery powered lol. I've read some but this is kind of new to me. Only other time I've ever tried to grow it was when my buddy and me threw a few seeds in a pot with some potting soil and he stuck it in his light or anything...watered it every couple days and then it actally started to grow and got about 3 inches tall in the pitch dark lol...but then it died. Wasn't taken care of. Anyway, any other advice for a first timer?


Well-Known Member
Can't grow outdoors on (Jesus!) 37 acres? I'm on well water, it's VERY hard, so I filter it. My garden is potted, outdoors, they get watered approximately every three days, depending on heat. Of course, they're right outside my bedroom, so checking on them is easy peasy.


Well-Known Member
You have 37 acres take advantage of that.I'm assuming your here in the states if so it's to late to start this year but start planning for next year,start scouting the property for a few good plots. :peace:


Active Member
well her mom still lives on the property and walks around sometimes and would see it lol. Thats why I was going to do it in the barn and to protect it from weather. I'm going to try it and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
without light in the barn its gonna be kinda hard to get anything to grow unless there is no roof on it. the other option would be to run a generator but that will add up in cost quickly. even if her mom walks the proporty she isnt gonna walk the whole 37 acres, so try to find a spot where she doesnt usually go and that isnt in plain sight. you could try solar power but once again that is quite costley to start up. without some kind of good lighting (sun or other) you are gonna be wasting your time trying.


Active Member
yea I just went out there and took a peak around real quick and I saw a outlet on the wall, don't have time to see if it works or not right now but hopefully it does. If it does then Im set.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, light is the most important thing to a plant... so hopefully that outlet works.

You can use distilled water, some people swear by it. Me... I use tap water, and my plants seem fine.


Active Member
Thanks. I'll probably use distilled water since it's super cheap and it doesn't need much anyway. Im really hoping that outlet works. I'll find some source of light for it. So MG once a week works good? And how long does it take before actual buds are produced?


Well-Known Member
uve got alot to learn my friedn first u need to find some seeds d theyve got to be good then uve got to germinate the, nd let them grow in soil...then u need to figure out if theyre male or not if they are u prolly dont want them...if i were u i wudstart inside until the plant is 1-2 feet nd looks strong enough to be outside..the plants are acutally stronger than they look they can with -stand some serios weather..use a bucket (bigger if possible) so u can move it around very easily....if uve got electricty keep it on a cycle of 12/12 for now until it grows more...keep posting..u need to find seeds first:P


Well-Known Member
seriously ive burnt my plant many times even by adding 1/4 the amount once a week! mg plant food is a no no! especially the blue powdered one.
the soil however is not recommended for growing weed but i have seen people use it and it works. im using the organic soil 10-5-5 when i repoted and my leaf tips are already having burnt tips and im in 34 days flowering and i lost all my fan leaves due to mg plant food and the damn mg slow release soil.
avoid both to be on the safe side.


Active Member
yea Im trying to decide where to get some seeds from. My buddies have some that they would give me but it's all just OK stuff. I want some stronger stuff. I was looking on Dr. Chronics site at some and that's probably where I'll be ordering them from. And I can't let them grow inside first.


Well-Known Member
its kinda late to grow outside now unless you want to force flowering which is what im doing now but less yeild.

just use those seeds from your buddy, you need to practice growing seedlings and even whole plants before you spend your money. just because the quality of that smoke was not good, it matters on how you treat your plant and cure it, the rest is all genetics....
