Couple questions about my plant


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is my plant, today is week 5, day 4 of flower. I am patiently awaiting the finish of my girl :mrgreen: just have a few questions since im not a very experienced grower. 1.)It has a split in it, thus creating an extra top, I was wondering if I should just cut it and use it as a clone. and 2.)How much do you think I will receive off this grow? Thanks in advance, GaM420M-Haze 12-27-12 (8).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (7).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (6).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (5).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (4).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (3).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (2).jpgM-Haze 12-27-12 (1).jpg


Active Member
only clone it if u need it, otherwise let it do its thing. Plus if u clone it day 7 is probally to far. I did it on day 3 once because a limb broke off.


Well-Known Member
cloning isnt really a good option right now.

are you using timers and making sure this plant recieves no light outside its scheduled lights on time? i only ask because it looks like it dosent know wether it should be flowering or vegging and eradic lighting can do this.

if your not using a timer, i suggest you get one, set it to 12/12 (12 hours on 12 hours offf) and put the plant and lights in a closet or somehwere wher eit wont get any direct light when the timer is off.

as far as yeild goes, probvabally about >1oz

there are a few things you can do still but i would just finish this one up and do some research and reading and see what other people are doing to get good yeilds if thats what your after but your only going to get there by educating yourself and investing some $$ in decent lights, soil , nutes and genetics


Well-Known Member
Yes its on a timer and receiving no light in its dark hours. not really after yield just an end product. Have decent nute and lights but good genetics are kind of hard for me to obtain.