Couple questions....


Well-Known Member
Is it normal for terminal bud to be dwarfed by other arms of growth on same plant? I have 3 girls that are 27 days into 12/12. One has these huge long arms that are nearly a foot + taller than the terminal (5 of them). The growth starts nearly at soil level. They have many bud sets and are perfectly healthy. The other two plants are typical. I've only grown 2 other times (12 plants) but I never seen this with any of those in the past. This is bag seed, so is this characteristic with a specific breed? They do shade terminal though. So I have been cutting fan leaves (half finger) to help.

Last question: I see many smaller stems growing from the bottom with minimal bud sets. This is new growth. Should I cut these off so plant can use those resources for more established growth or leave them? I do put a mirror at bottom to send light back up. Should I let them mature with that being said? Basically, what gives larger yield? Or does this not change yield? Thanks for your feedback :smile:



Well-Known Member
Cant help with question 1 but on 2, yes U should trim the lower growth for exactly the reason U stated. I was told up about 4-6 inches from dirt.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am aware of my reflectivity deficiency. Can't find Mylar anywhere around here. Only could find huge rolls online. Mirror and tin foil are better than nothing (the walls). Plants are happy anyway. Anyone have an answer to first question? Thanks..


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am aware of my reflectivity deficiency. Can't find Mylar anywhere around here. Only could find huge rolls online. Mirror and tin foil are better than nothing (the walls). Plants are happy anyway. Anyone have an answer to first question? Thanks..
dude nothing is better then that foil will burn them and a mirror will take light away from your plants being that it adsorbs light.
Flat white paint is The best other then mylar.
Also you can tie down the branch's (lst) to keep it all one level.
And the lower shitty branches can be trimed i go about 6 7 inches up the stem.
hope this helps sorry if i seem like i was ripping on you just trying to help bro peace.