Court Ordered Drug Test For Custody Case (Help Needed!)

that will work collect lice and infect yourself to buy time to clean up
good ideal

Q What acceptance/rejection criteria does the laboratory use for proceeding with the analysis of a hair specimen?
A The following would be reasons for rejecting a hair specimen:
No Chain of Custody Form
No way to link specimen with the donor
Quantity of hair insufficient for analysis
Length of hair less than 1 cm
Hair contaminated with lice
Wow! That's great information! How long did you have to report to the lab? That's a key piece of information.
We were ordered to get tested by CPS from my recent bust on my grow OP. We had to report to the lab the following day because it was already 6 or 7pm, so they like to get you asap. If you are ordered by family court I am sure they will have a lab nearby and will tell you to report there immediately following the court procedures if not right on the spot. Good luck!
Personally I don't see how they can make an accurate assessment from body hair since it doesnt grow at the same rate as hair on your head, as far as I know the hair on my legs is the same hair that was there 10 years ago.
Bro Just Pull off a Steve-O and wax ALL your hair, than if they ask whyd you do it, say your old friend who came by for 3 days from Nebraska bet you 500 dollars if you would wax all of your hair like Steve-0...its for your fuckin kids man, I'D do it FOR SURE.

that them goin balls out to get your hair were true.. but if they only go for head area than id just go with the bleach man. I hope i gave you confidents, as dum as it sounds bro... its ur kids, hell they might even think your the COOLEST dad ever haha than when they grow up you can tell em you did that so you can be in their lives, and they would DEFINATELY think your a really cool bad ass mother fuckin RollitUpper.
What you do is go find where they are keeping your kids, break them out and move to Morocco, no extradition there.

What I find most appalling is the fact that CPS has any say over your children at all. Who do your children belong to? You, or the government?