Covert Grow Ops/Sidetracked:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Later in the morning I went to the PH and HR patches. The planes were flying so I went to PH first, since it is in the big woods. It has been much harder to check on these patches than I thought it would be. I have 12 more holes dug in the same woods, but never got plants into them. At some point in the future, access will be easier. I just don't know when that will be.

This GV2 has the best looking structure in the PH patch. Some of them had been topped, and I topped those again, but I decided to let this one go natural just to see if it did better being taller than the others. {this patch is in tall trees} I may tie it down next trip, but left alone today. These got 24-8-16, Epson salts and a prayer for rain.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I need to look back and see how long it had been since I was at the HR patch. All the plants were in bad need of topping and training. Not to mention food. I took all the tops I could, LOB'd some and super-cropped others. This one was the worst. I must have missed it the last time I topped. Some of them had grown 2-3 foot since the last topping.

DSC00422.JPG DSC00424.JPG

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
A couple of the young ones had cashed. Including this GV3. With it gone, all plants in the HR patch are now GV1's. Will make it easier at harvest time.


The other young ones have been growing nicely. Just too damn long between toppings. I super-cropped this one, but the after picture was fuzzy. {I used an old cheapo camera I found in my GoPro bag}


All the plants in the HR patch got 24-8-16 and Epson salts.

T-Pig is 79 - 2 = 77

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Then on to the KP patches on a dry run. The two new transplants in KPm had cashed.Also the Slo3 in KPw. It was deer ate. Can't remember if I posted about it before, but it looked like it had been dead a while. I count it anyway. That is easier than looking back.

The other new transplants were alive and well. {there was a gallon of water at the middle patch, so the plants in KPw did get a taste} I topped everything that needed it.


T-Pig is 77 - 3 = 74

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
That was the last Slo3 I had out. I had culled them back to two, and the deer culled them the rest of the way. The Slo3's were also named Herman, so I had them in the most remote places, so they couldn't do much damage.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
All those patches got Epson salts as well.

After breakfast I went to the SOL, GV and Slo patches. Those patches got food, water, Epson salts and brown sugar. One of the young 88's {F1's} had several weird looking stink bugs on it. I didn't have the spray with me at the time.

The 60/40 plant is growing better than any of the 88's. But then it was at the house getting food and water everyday when they were in the holding grounds at the mercy of my memory.

60/40 {last week it was even with the top ring of the cage}


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Speaking of my memory, forgot to mention that I went and checked on the Lost and Found Slo2. It has grown a few inches since it's roots were freed from their five month hitch in the Styrofoam prison. I topped the new growth. It might make a couple joints yet.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I fed and watered the FP patch. Look what the older BST2's are doing. It seems early to me, as my days are still 13 hours 41 minutes of {actual} daylight. This is a new strain to me, so I'm taking notes for next year. There are two girls and a boy in the three older ones. Sadly, the biggest one is the boy.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I did a dry run to the 3DT, JP and DDW patches this morning with food, Epson salt and the stinky deer repellent. {a fast one too. just over an hour 15 minutes round trip from the camp} Had a little rain yesterday, but sure could use some more. Saw a bobcat that I didn't get a picture of. Saw about 50 of these guys, most of whom I ran into with my face. The joy of getting out before the sun comes up.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
The plants in the SOL, GV and Sol patches got a drink of coffee grounds tea, along with their usual food and water yesterday. The 60/40 {BST2} plant is growing good. But since the other BST2's are starting to flower, I doubt it will have much longer to veg.


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I got over to the GN patch on a dry run. The BST1 looked to be about a week into flower.


There were four males. I killed the older BST1 that I had been trimming without using any of the pollen.

There was one male and one female in the two plant hole. Both BST2's. A couple of the pollen sacks had opened on that plant, so I went ahead and dusted a little bit on the other plant, then killed the male. Killed another BST2 male without using any of the pollen, but cut the shoots off the best looking one, and hung them midway in the BST1 plant so the pollen would fall on the bottom branches. Will use this male again on the other BST2 that isn't in flower yet when he grows more shoots.

T-Pig is 74 - 3 = 71

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I was late getting to the camp last night, so I didn't get to check on the GB patch until this morning. I had kind of planned on going back to the 3DT, JP, SEE and DDW patches, but it was already rumbling thunder when I woke at 0600.

The rain did come, but it was slow and steady most of the day. I went to check on the FP patch after lunch. They are starting to twist up a little more now, but I found a few worms on two of the plants. I killed all I found, but will check into some spray when I go to town tomorrow.


The BST2 male


The youngest BST1 {or so the label says. Looks like a BST2 to me}


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
It rained yesterday and was threatening to do it again this morning, so I used half the water with twice the food when I went back to check on the SOL, GV and Slo patches this morning. The best looking young 88 and the 60/40 plant were ate by deer. {pictured in posts 250 and 255} The 88 was just gone. Couldn't find leaf nor stem. The 60/40 had just been cut in two places, and hadn't even began to wilt. i'm beginning to come over to my BIL's way of thinking about the deer. He says he's going to gut shoot everyone he sees.

T-Pig 71 - 2 = 69

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I got over to the GB, 3DT, JP and SEE patches {plus the Lost and Found Slo2} late yesterday. Daylight gave out before I could make it to DDW. Everything is stretching like crazy. The {insert strain name when I remember it} in SEE is still looking the closest to flower. If you look close at the middle of the top picture you can see where the deer cut three branches. I walked up on 8-9 of the SOB's just a few yards from this plant.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I can really start to see the days getting shorter now. I woke at 0445, and there wasn't any light in the sky. Lots of mornings I'm in the woods by 0500. I tried again at 0545, and it was just getting light.

Went home for breakfast and water, then checked on the AL patches. Can't remember if I marked it off T-Pig when it was deer ate, but the CPDA I left in the hole and planted another one is doing pretty well for a late season deer ate plant. {that is 8 plants in ALe. 1 CP1 & 7 CPDA's. And 5 CP1's in ALw} The older CPDA's are also stretching like crazy. I guess I left my camera in the truck. No pictures of these patches.