

Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Look what came in the mail today dated March 16.

View attachment 4518517View attachment 4518518
Seems like a couple months late and 2 trillion short.

Thanks for the advice though.
That's interesting. I carry a few professional licenses, although I am not currently practicing in any capacity, interestingly enough I have not received one alert and they all have my current contact into. In the first week of March when I was talking with my internist friend who mentioned that the LA Co public health had not communicated in over 2 weeks on this and crickets from the CDC.


Well-Known Member
The press conference the other day, someone was blathering on about a flyer, we should of seen it...a really great flyer.
Guess this is what that was about when they said DaY 8 . I was wondering when they started counting the "Slow the Spread", since no one heard of it.
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Well-Known Member
I just called my dentist's office concerning my April 28 cleaning appointment.

The girl in the office answering the phone who I know very well said she's been cancelling week to week AND thinks she'll be laid off soon, so I rescheduled for June 11.

I asked what happens in case of emergency and she said all he'll do right now is call in a script.

So if anybody needs vicodin, I have a guy...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I just called my dentist's office concerning my April 28 cleaning appointment.

The girl in the office answering the phone who I know very well said she's been cancelling week to week AND thinks she'll be laid off soon, so I rescheduled for June 11.

I asked what happens in case of emergency and she said all he'll do right now is call in a script.

So if anybody needs vicodin, I have a guy...
I had a cleaning scheduled 3/17 and I cancelled it. Make sure you have oil of cloves in the house right now. Opiates do next to nothing for head pain.


Well-Known Member
Another month of this shit.

Did you get a pic of the sexy blonde doctor? I didn't realize you were alone, how are you holding up mentally? I heard your prez say it's going to be until at least April 30th, nothing from our prime minister about an end date. I don't think I'm coming out of this sane if we have to spend another month like this.
Lol. I didn't get a pic of the doc, she was scrumptious. Yeah, I'm alone. Can you imagine living with this personality? It is interesting for me to see people's reaction to living this way, as this has been my reality of choice for the last 15 years or so. But even I need human contact at least bimonthly, but video calls are an acceptable substitute for a while. The thing I really miss is going out on my solo urban adventures on my bike, but I'm not well enough to do that, anyway. I can do another month of this, I appreciate simple things in a new way. Like breathing easily. I always took that for granted...


Well-Known Member
First off sorry you've been hit, and I hope you are en route to get this behind you swiftly.
Thank you. I believe the worst is over.

one thing to keep in mind is that your lungs do also serve as a gateway to exchange CO2 back into the atmosphere - your respiration rate is actually stronger influenced by this than the O2 intake need.
That never crossed my mind, good insight.

what kind of logic is that? not catching it in the first place is going to prevent spreading it, of course... :/
I think it is because they are constantly dealing with covid victims without adequate protection, so even if they themselves are not infected, they are likely carrying the virus on their clothing and equipment from infected patients to other patients. It's amazing to me that they are not overly concerned with their own risk, but extremely concerned with their patients' risk. Altruism of this kind baffles me, and I'm grateful for it...


Well-Known Member
I would say I'm glad you're feeling better, but instead will say I'm glad you're on the way to recovery.

This lack of test thing is fucking horrible. I heard some jerkoff on TV say 'anyone who wants a test, gets a test' weeks ago. But that's only for millionaire athletes, politicians and the 'connected'.

How the fuck can we get this under control without actually knowing who has it and who doesn't?

You don't statistically count as having it but probably do. How many people are in the same boat?

I haven't had this same sense of uncertainty since the Cuban Missile Crisis, but that ended in a couple weeks, nobody died and the economy didn't crash.

I hope every politician who benefitted from this (i.e. selling stock after secret meetings, lying about it for weeks, happy talk, etc.) gets fired ASAP.

Nothing good will come of this, I hope we're all still around to watch the made for TV movie in 2022.
Thanks, Tangy. I voiced the same questions and concerns to the staff. I even offered to pay cash for a test, and they said that is not possible. They have their orders. As to the question of how are we to control this if we don't know who has it and who doesn't, one nurse replied, "assume that you do, and act accordingly." Okay, then...