

Well-Known Member
Yes, still called the Indians.
Back when I went there, during breaks we would sometimes hang out on Keystone st. and were dubbed
Keystoners lol.
In my day the neighborhoods would bitch like hell if we loitered around, lol. We got back from Easter break in 67-68, someone had glued all the locks at the school so no one could get in. That monday morning about 1800 kids and all staff were wandering around, cliques getting together on someone's front yard and the neighbors were going batshit


Well-Known Member
In my day the neighborhoods would bitch like hell if we loitered around, lol. We got back from Easter break in 67-68, someone had glued all the locks at the school so no one could get in. That monday morning about 1800 kids and all staff were wandering around, cliques getting together on someone's front yard and the neighbors were going batshit

What kind of glue did you use?


Well-Known Member
How do I continue to be friends with idiots? Seriously? This virus has really brought out a side of some people that I detest. Being politically polar opposites is one thing but he continues to posts this type of bullshit. I’ve held my tongue for a long time but...


Well-Known Member
Damn grocery stores are making a killing right now. They really should be giving every single one of their employees a weekly bonus in forms of hazard pay. They can afford it. I noticed beef prices have not budged much since this all started where I am. Both walmart and the hannafords I go to had zero hamburger. I havent been to the store, or off the property in over two weeks, and the shelves are looking as bare as they did last time I went. I am going late at night, I've heard there's more to pick from early morning. It's really the lack of fresh fruit and veggies in the house that forces me out.

Chatted with a Romanian friend the other day. She said they were locked down til May15. What's that mean for the US? Isnt the spread further along on that side of the world?

Getting lots done around the house/property which is a bright spot. Cleared some woods and had a few bonfires. Might as well get the place ready for summer. I'm not counting on a tourist season this year.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
View attachment 4535451
From yesterday afternoon.

About fucking time. Everybody wears a mask or go home.
RI's gov issued an executive order this week stating the same thing. Businesses must provide masks to employees. Businesses must develop a plan to require visitors/customers to wear them, and the public won't be allowed in stores without them unless they are under 2 years old or have a medical condition that would make wearing one dangerous to them.