
It's been about 7 weeks since my first covid symptoms, and amazingly, this thing is still with me. It seems that every time I workout, some covid symptoms return a day or two afterward. The first workout after initially 'getting over' the virus, the symptoms returned for four days. After a week of rest I'd workout again, and the symptoms came back for 2 days. The last two times of this cycle, the symptoms returned for just one day (chills and body aches.) It's almost as if the virus hides in my muscle tissue, and is reactivated each time that tissue is strained. I've never experienced anything like it. It is becoming predictable at this point, and I've been factoring in getting sick for a day immediately following each workout. I'm not even that upset at this, because the breathing problems never came back. That was the only scary symptom that was difficult to face. Chills and body aches? I just smoke a ton of pot and sleep on and off all day, no biggie. I am looking forward to this being completely gone one day, but after almost two months, I have no idea when this might happen. Crazy shit, stay safe out there, people. This thing sucks ass...
It's been about 7 weeks since my first covid symptoms, and amazingly, this thing is still with me. It seems that every time I workout, some covid symptoms return a day or two afterward. The first workout after initially 'getting over' the virus, the symptoms returned for four days. After a week of rest I'd workout again, and the symptoms came back for 2 days. The last two times of this cycle, the symptoms returned for just one day (chills and body aches.) It's almost as if the virus hides in my muscle tissue, and is reactivated each time that tissue is strained. I've never experienced anything like it. It is becoming predictable at this point, and I've been factoring in getting sick for a day immediately following each workout. I'm not even that upset at this, because the breathing problems never came back. That was the only scary symptom that was difficult to face. Chills and body aches? I just smoke a ton of pot and sleep on and off all day, no biggie. I am looking forward to this being completely gone one day, but after almost two months, I have no idea when this might happen. Crazy shit, stay safe out there, people. This thing sucks ass...
Great. Sounds like a lymes disease flare up. I talked with someone who has lymes and his theory was that lymes caused problems with weak areas already in one's body. Not just muscles, but for him, his sugar consumption . He said he always had issues with sugar, then after he got lymes, sugar wrecked him. He couldnt eat it at all. Not sure how true that is, but sounds similiar to you, except it's the stress of exercise causing the return of the symptoms.
Great. Sounds like a lymes disease flare up. I talked with someone who has lymes and his theory was that lymes caused problems with weak areas already in one's body. Not just muscles, but for him, his sugar consumption . He said he always had issues with sugar, then after he got lymes, sugar wrecked him. He couldnt eat it at all. Not sure how true that is, but sounds similiar to you, except it's the stress of exercise causing the return of the symptoms.
Lyme can effect you in many ways but never heard that before. Lyme can be tough but the co-infections can really get in the way and fuck you up.
Lyme can effect you in many ways but never heard that before. Lyme can be tough but the co-infections can really get in the way and fuck you up.
Yeah, I've always heard lyme is associated with muscle soreness and stiffness. He was claiming diet too. Thought it was interesting.
Ticks are nasty little fuckers. Carry a lot of dangerous shit other than lyme. There's a problem where I live with the disease and daily tick checks are standard after being outdoors.
It's been about 7 weeks since my first covid symptoms, and amazingly, this thing is still with me. It seems that every time I workout, some covid symptoms return a day or two afterward. The first workout after initially 'getting over' the virus, the symptoms returned for four days. After a week of rest I'd workout again, and the symptoms came back for 2 days. The last two times of this cycle, the symptoms returned for just one day (chills and body aches.) It's almost as if the virus hides in my muscle tissue, and is reactivated each time that tissue is strained. I've never experienced anything like it. It is becoming predictable at this point, and I've been factoring in getting sick for a day immediately following each workout. I'm not even that upset at this, because the breathing problems never came back. That was the only scary symptom that was difficult to face. Chills and body aches? I just smoke a ton of pot and sleep on and off all day, no biggie. I am looking forward to this being completely gone one day, but after almost two months, I have no idea when this might happen. Crazy shit, stay safe out there, people. This thing sucks ass...
We can't have you post here, anymore, you will infect all of us!
It's been about 7 weeks since my first covid symptoms, and amazingly, this thing is still with me. It seems that every time I workout, some covid symptoms return a day or two afterward. The first workout after initially 'getting over' the virus, the symptoms returned for four days. After a week of rest I'd workout again, and the symptoms came back for 2 days. The last two times of this cycle, the symptoms returned for just one day (chills and body aches.) It's almost as if the virus hides in my muscle tissue, and is reactivated each time that tissue is strained. I've never experienced anything like it. It is becoming predictable at this point, and I've been factoring in getting sick for a day immediately following each workout. I'm not even that upset at this, because the breathing problems never came back. That was the only scary symptom that was difficult to face. Chills and body aches? I just smoke a ton of pot and sleep on and off all day, no biggie. I am looking forward to this being completely gone one day, but after almost two months, I have no idea when this might happen. Crazy shit, stay safe out there, people. This thing sucks ass...
It lingered for about a month for me and the wife. We kept waking up with what felt like a swollen lymph node on either side of our throat. It finally went away though. I just have this lingering cough now because I started smoking like a chimney once the sore/dry throat went away lol. +allergies. I’m allergic to everything.
One scary thing is that despite my family isolating, my adult son somehow managed to catch a cold. It's not covid (or so it appears), and nobody else in the house has caught it from him, but where the heck did it find him?

He really hasn't left the house in a while. His g/f does occasionally visit her mom and help care for her grandma, but she doesn't seem sick. That's probably where he got it, but these bugs are sneaky.

Also, I think Cuomo said that a majority of people testing positive recently were staying at home. Gotta double down on the precautions for limited contacts.

I really don't want this critter. I tend to get hit hard with viral infections. My temp will spike and I'll just generally shut down for a few days. My wife on the other hand has never had a fever that I can remember, and I've known her since 1977. She just kind of rides through infections feeling crappy but otherwise normal.

Oh well, hope those here who have it get to toss it quickly. My brother had it with off and on symptoms for like 6 weeks, but finally pulled out of it.
Lol yeah my wife also got a light cold despite not being out for over 40 days
Germs are in the air, during the plague and black flue they used to fear the wind.
I've read that exposure to cold makes it more likely for the germs that are in your sinuses anyway to give you flu
More do as I say not as I do. :finger: I had to sit in the freezing rain and talk to my mom through a glass door for Mother's day and our Premier is having family gatherings.

Premier Doug Ford sounds like a car
It would have had much more of an impact if he had a gun to take.
I posted it on another thread. He should just got creative with it. A fun little diy to do with the kids

My favorite parts are..
1) the toilet flange cut into a horse shoe and painted black,where he's holding it
2) the broomstick barrel. Makes me think his wife is wondering what the fuck happened to the broom.
3) he has a rifle strapped to his back and a pistol on his hip.. so why is this guys adult summer schools woodshed project a thing?