Yup this is still the first wave. Just wait for round 2. Although if many of us stay in denial mode we will remain in the first wave until we reach herd immunity, pathetic, sigh.From the "living sack of shit" dept..... This is wrong on so many levels I just need to puke, eat it, then puke again.
Kudlow: 'There is no second wave' of coronavirus
Source: Politico
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Friday declared that a “second wave” of the coronavirus was not descending upon the country, even as cases of Covid-19 are spiking in more than a dozen states.
“There is no emergency. There is no second wave. I don’t know where that got started on Wall Street,” Kudlow told “Fox & Friends.”
Although Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, acknowledged he is “not the health expert," he said he had spoken with the administration’s top public health officials “at some length” Thursday evening. “They are saying there is no second spike. Let me repeat that. There is no second spike,” he said.
“What you do have is certain spots are seeing a little bit of a jump up. Some small metropolitan areas are seeing it. The CDC and the health people are all over it. They’ve sent some task forces out to deal with it,” Kudlow added, partly attributing increases in Covid-19 cases to more widespread testing availability.
Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...nd-wave-of-coronavirus/ar-BB15oMnk?li=BBnb7Kz
48 new deaths eh? Getting rid of that data technologist sure helped their Covid issue.Just a little bit of a jump up?.....
With 2,581 new coronavirus cases, Florida hits a record high for the third day in a row
Source: Miami Herald
Florida’s Department of Health on Saturday morning reported a new daily record high of 2,581 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 — surpassing the previous high by 679. The previous high was hit on Friday. And the high before that was hit on Thursday.
That puts the state’s total number of confirmed cases at 73,552 since the pandemic began in March.
Forty-eight new deaths were also announced, raising the statewide death toll to 2,925.
The state slowly began to reopen in May. Now in June, most businesses across the state are open at limited capacity with social-distancing regulations in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Read more: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article243513417.html
A Miami Herald analysis of public and non-public COVID-19 data found that as of June 3, new cases in the state had consistently been trending up since mid-May and the trends could not be attributed solely to increases in testing.
FifyThe Covideracy will rise!
Thank youFify
Zombie infestation?The South will rise!
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11 secret herbs and spices!
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