Of course, everything has to do with covid in 2020, parties are no exception, it's been non stop all year, can you not tell they're clawing their way through any open gaped hole to feed you/us more amplified news about a supposedly deadly plague covid virus, but yet people want ignore the fact that multiple types of causes for Death like pneumonia, heart attacks, stroke, flu and cancer deaths just magically evaporate from becoming known causes of death for thousands of people nationwide all year long?
"I thought it was a hoax" of course they are going to post a news article in refutation directly and precisely in response to the exact words that people are using and the same lingo that would or could possibly be used in a conversation in regards to the covid pandemic and with this topic being of heightened discussion within the minds of your common everyday folk because of all the daily false narration of the spread of this supposed covid virus outbreak. Point being it's easy for people to believe that this discussion of a patient dying in a hospital went down exactly as they're saying it did.
But yeah nobody is going around having these supposed super hip and awesome "covid" parties as these deep state indoctrination outlets continue to weaponisingly release as truth into the minds of the public, that's just what the dork patrol lamestream media wants you to believe, they aren't sworn over to protecting our nation from foreign contrived geopolitical narration, they've already been caught on multiple levels red handed blatantly lying to the American public, how long will so many willfully continue to accept that the mass produced media we are hearing about is for our own good, and for our cause as a Nation, take what I'm saying seriously, they've already said again and again that their end goal is to cripple the American economy and dissolve our nation through propaganda based proxy wars until actual War breaks out with China and their allies that is, these are the same people guiding this bio psychological conflict machinery into the disarray of our nation, Death to America being their allegorical/literal endgame, but yeah stay safe out there, 6ft apart and staying masked up is what's most important, don't worry the rest of the world around you is completely innocent, stay in your happy place however you are able dear friends, nothing bad would ever be conspired against us, this here's merica, and proud we are. Cheers.
Relying to much on the news is going to create a lot of anxiety.
Everyone knows they dramatize reality and want nothing more than to hook people in to watch everyday.
They have a ton of material to work with at the moment.
I went to the Post office today and also to Walgreens. Went to the supermarket yesterday. Went to Home Depot and Star Nursery recently.
Everyone was nice, no drama, maybe a missing mask here or there. People have been conforming more in the past month or so IMHO and maybe things will start to improve as the larger majority conforms to wearing a mask.
There are already stories of people regretting the choices they made. In the months ahead there are going to be a ton of those stories with patients family members and medical staff sharing what the reality is and even more people will likely conform.
Yes the news dramatizes everything. I don't watch CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc... I might hit the website and glance at the headlines and every now and then all of them have a decent story that's not political.
I'm a lot like you. I was a stealth grower for many years and while playing poker for something like 20 years I kept to a select group of friends. Some were incredibly A type personalities that needed to move constantly. Some could never understand how I could remain laid back in most situations. Drove some of them crazy trying to understand it.Yes the news dramatizes everything. I don't watch CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc... I might hit the website and glance at the headlines and every now and then all of them have a decent story that's not political.
I'm somewhat of a loner and don't need to gather in large social settings or go out to the bars to party, etc... I enjoy smaller gatherings among just a few friends grilling in a backyard or sitting around the table chatting. Some feel the need to go out as if they're not out and about they're missing out. Those are the ones driving the spike in covid.
Can I ask you a question, greg? It's a big one, involving ventilators.When someone pulls a gun in a public place, and threatens to kill another shopper or an employee over wearing a mask, that is not the media dramatizing a story. You can watch the raw footage with no sound and be shocked. There are many more than one. Some have resulted in death.
The situation itself is dramatic. It is fueled by hate and lies. It is overtly political because of the leader puking it out and people adopting it.
And it is getting worse. Stick your head in a bubble if that makes you feel better, but it doesn't change facts about outrageous acts.
What the hell is going on? These people are insane.
"We believe this President has great approval in this country. His historic Covid response speaks for itself," White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Thursday"
She means historic failure speaks for itself.
"Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, issued an executive order late Wednesday blocking the Peach State's cities from issuing orders requiring masks to be worn in public places -- a measure proven to decrease virus transmission -- and on Thursday sued Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms for sticking by her city's mask order."
What is this morons problem?
The state is currently reporting 131,275 cases and 3,091 deaths. That’s an increase of 3,441 new cases and 13 deaths since Wednesday. Georgia became the 9th state to hit 100,000 COVID-19 cases.
"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis blamed the media for the virus running out of control."
Say what? Now it's the media's fault that covid is spreading? Unbelievable.
Well yeah because it's a hoax after all.
Most of the deaths are from people who were already living with several health conditions, or a disease, the other deaths are from all the people that are being Overdosed with barbiturates while their locked into a damn ventilator machine and harnessed to the bed so they can't move, elderly folks are being euthanized in the ICU of these hospital's, the hospitals are committing murder on a unified level, doctors are being paid $39k per covid patient placed on a ventilator, to perpetuate the income they seek they must continue to trick people into fearing the deadly repercussions of a fake virus, you see they can't force you to believe that you have covid, you must believe on your own will power, that is where I must say, their strength is, but when you destroy countless lives over multiple decades with MK Ultra you eventually become a master of your craft, combined with AI and global media control it's not hard to understand why they were able to trick the masses.
The numbers are being based off the same test kits that the CDC already admitted were around 60% inaccurate, I haven't heard news of a new test kit being developed either, that means the readings they're basing all this new wave BS on is a continuation of falsified positive test kit confirmations (which means they are horse shitting you/me). Why are they continuing the hysteria/psychological torture? What has happened to our collective Human consciousness to allow for so many to be led astray for such an dreadfully extended period of time, it's pretty F'd up in my opinion and I don't like seeing people devolve towards their fellow human being over a simple mask either, masks only, ONLY help if you yourself already have some flu or virus, it helps keep your own contaminated airways from dispersing particles outwardly, it's purpose in regards to a pandemic is to contain your own particles, a mask isn't entirely going to contain every single particle, and in the case of an actual pandemic they would serve a purpose in that way at least maybe 90% effectively if everyone actually wore a mask (just guesstimating) but when you're dealing a hoax however, it changes the reasoning behind and purpose as to why a mask would be worn, it becomes a symbol of group acceptance and cult like herd mentality of kind of a combination Stockholm syndrome and a collective self derived sadism towards the individual themself as well as society around them, over a fear based propaganda/psychological weapon of sociological control, it's such a sickening thing to behold over such a broad scale across society, I'm left feeling sorry for so many that I see around me, and their self centered agitation over my not wearing of a mask anywhere, people just lack perspective and common sense on a grand scale these days is my guess.
And you know, honestly who wouldn't be impressed/astonished at the great lengths that the deep state/ Illuminati have gone though to expedite such a continued expenditure of energy and time to complete the task of mind control and manipulation, and their globalist agenda to take down American as a 1st world nation through various combined measures such as inciting a supposed race war that they need to take place in order for China to defeat our nation and take our wealth more easily, they want want to control our nation through a mixture communism and Marxism to help bring about conformity and willful control of society, it seems so far they are making their plans unfold as planned, and if bad things don't happen on their own with the race War, they cause them on their own as with floyd19.
I'm tired of being lied to, that's my only real purpose for making this statement, im tired of everyone being lied to, and I don't want to see it any longer than I have to, I'm here to make friend's, and I do come in peace, let's keep this in good nature to anyone who responds to me please, I mean no harm, I'm just wondering why people here are still going on about this with such realism, when so much has been shown to be falsified and carelessly linked together, with such endless stories of its viral severity too, has anyone noticed this, lol, it has tenticals, it has HIV sequences, it spreads during intensified UV light, ok I'm being a bit dramatic/sarcastic here, but seriously they keep pressing for fear, fear, FEAR which just means they are doing it to cover up for their inconsitant lies, lies, LIES.
To this day nobody (scientists) has actually proven 100% without a doubt that covid 19 actually exists, and that the test kits for a monetized ® fake virus hoax actually are 100% accurate of anything, I'm calling the virus pandemic a hoax (because it is) in the same way that most people call a duck, A duck, I'm just switching the terms around and calling it a mallard that's all, doesn't make me criminal for voicing my own deserved grounds to speak forth my viewpoint and or opinion, just in the same way as everyone else here.
Hey check this out remember when south park did the man bear pig episode? I personally believe the allegorical meaning behind that episode to be covid, not global warming as the surface conjecture may suggest, link below of the short south park clip,Just switch around Al Gore for Fauci.
Talk about a change of heart......
Yeah it's funny a a denialier (sp) blames everything (can we say narccist) and then boom....oop....it is real....
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