A couple days ago Pennsylvania was the only dark green state on the CNN map they show every day to see if cases are going up or down compared to a week ago. Down 50%+ is dark green. The very next fucking day it's red. Up 50%+ compared to a week earlier. WTF?
Be nice to have honest, objective news again like 50 years ago. And accurate current statistics too.
Be nice if the covid-19 stats were like sabermetrics in baseball. There are so many analyticals in MLB you can almost tell if a guy scratched his nuts before his 14th home run. And which hand he did it with.
I want to see a covid stat map on TV each day that shows total cases, deaths, percentage of full recoveries, percentage of limited recoveries, estimated live cases and estimates of how many cases have been statistically missed because of lack of tests (CDC says 10X to 24X depending on area and positive test percentages in a particular area). And that's just for starters.
I'm not prone to conspiracy theories one iota, but I feel like I'm dodging a spun narrative every time I watch the news to get some simple info we should all have access to. WTF already? TV talking heads don't have to tell me the president is great and they don't have to tell me he's an asshole. I guarantee I'll figure it out completely on my own.
We had a local county by county and zip code by zip code map for PA for months. They took access away a couple weeks ago. Real fucking nice. What do they think they're hiding?
I hate this fucking shit.
I keep hearing Jack Webb's voice from Dragnet saying, 'just the facts, ma'am.
How hard can it be?
Did I mention I hate this fucking shit?