Laughing Grass
Well-Known Member
How much should be shut? What is the sign of recovery and an impetus to live.
I don't know the answer to that, I'm not an epidemiologist. Scientists are saying that economies should remain closed until you have a positive rate below 5%. I believe we can take steps based on experiences from other countries. Israel had to close its schools two weeks after opening due to surging cases at schools. 130 cases at a single school. Here we have two benefits, one for those who lost their jobs due to covid and another for employer rent and payroll. I would personally like to see these programs continued for those who work in the hospitality and entertainment and keep those business' closed for the remainder of the year.... doing that would impact my livelyhood so I'm not being selfish here. I just don't see how schools are going to work... most adults can't behave responsibly, how can we expect anything more from children.