
Absolutely horrible and depressing and terrifying article by two Edmonton doctors about current conditions in our hospitals. If this is the state of affairs here, I don't even want to imagine what people to the south are dealing with, given a national infection rate 4-1/2 times higher.(source:

Researchers Estimate Trump Rallies Led To 30,000 Coronavirus Cases And 700 Deaths

"A working paper from Stanford University researchers concludes that the communities that hosted Trump rallies “paid a high price in terms of disease and death.”
Researchers Estimate Trump Rallies Led To 30,000 Coronavirus Cases And 700 Deaths

"A working paper from Stanford University researchers concludes that the communities that hosted Trump rallies “paid a high price in terms of disease and death.”
A friend of mine said he seen online that due to covid kids are not to be trick or treating tonight or
else they will get a ticket. I find this funny as what cop in his/her right mind would give out tickets to kids
for obtaining candy tonight? This has got to be a joke.
A friend of mine said he seen online that due to covid kids are not to be trick or treating tonight or
else they will get a ticket. I find this funny as what cop in his/her right mind would give out tickets to kids
for obtaining candy tonight? This has got to be a joke.
I don't understand your reaction. Kids going door to door could literally be spreading death as they go. If health officials have determined that forbidding trick or treating is the safest way to proceed, do you object?

Or is it the ticket you object to? How would you prefer they enforce the law? Tasers? Tear gas?
I don't understand your reaction. Kids going door to door could literally be spreading death as they go. If health officials have determined that forbidding trick or treating is the safest way to proceed, do you object?

Or is it the ticket you object to? How would you prefer they enforce the law? Tasers? Tear gas?
I think he meant a cop giving a kid a ticket was absurd.
I don't understand your reaction. Kids going door to door could literally be spreading death as they go. If health officials have determined that forbidding trick or treating is the safest way to proceed, do you object?

Or is it the ticket you object to? How would you prefer they enforce the law? Tasers? Tear gas?
Cops giving tickets out to kids.
I bet kids will still be out tonight so best keep your door shut and outside lights off.
Time to hide. Lol, just kiddin'.
I don't understand your reaction. Kids going door to door could literally be spreading death as they go. If health officials have determined that forbidding trick or treating is the safest way to proceed, do you object?

Or is it the ticket you object to? How would you prefer they enforce the law? Tasers? Tear gas?
Now you're talking and pepper spray for good measure