What to think of the odd results?
Elon Musk Tests Positive And Negative For Coronavirus, Awaiting Confirmation
Musk was using the less-accurate rapid antigen tests. He said something "bogus" was happening and is waiting results from a test that is considered more reliable but takes longer to process.www.npr.org
Erykah Badu Says She Tested 'Positive' for COVID-19 in Her Left Nostril and 'Negative' in Right
Although one test, which used a swab from her left nostril, came back positive, a second test, which used a swab taken from her right nostril, was negative for the novel coronaviruspeople.com
How does this alleviate the panic created during the pandemonium of this Chinese Pandemic?
Abbott rapid testing was fast tracked and the FDA granted an emergency release based on political pressure as was HCQ. With more data we learned those tests were about as useful as a coin toss. Those tests should have been retired.What to think of the odd results?
Elon Musk Tests Positive And Negative For Coronavirus, Awaiting Confirmation
Musk was using the less-accurate rapid antigen tests. He said something "bogus" was happening and is waiting results from a test that is considered more reliable but takes longer to process.www.npr.org
Erykah Badu Says She Tested 'Positive' for COVID-19 in Her Left Nostril and 'Negative' in Right
Although one test, which used a swab from her left nostril, came back positive, a second test, which used a swab taken from her right nostril, was negative for the novel coronaviruspeople.com
How does this alleviate the panic created during the pandemonium of this Chinese Pandemic?
Wow, choose event size of 5000 (guestimate of size for recent political rallies) and you are at 99% virtually everywhere.![]()
COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool
Stream of conscious rant…
My best friend and his girlfriend both eventually tested positive. He was pretty sick. Not hospital bound but didn't want to get out of bed bound. She had the sniffles and lost her taste buds. It's a game of Russian roulette it seems as to how sick one gets. I'm sure there's a reason why it affects people differently but as with a lot of things with the virus we still don't have all the evidence. I say they "eventually" tested positive because he tested positive right of the bat while she tested negative. Except he hasn't left his house since this started. And she only left for clinicals at the hospital for nursing school. So she gave it to him. Apparently it was like pulling teeth to get a test in the first place and both their doctors told them don't bother with a test and just presume you're positive. And it was even more difficult to get the 2nd one. So testing just across this board is just downright embarrassing if not criminal in this country. And that starts at the top. That's why I think in this country "The Trump Virus" is more fitting a name.
'Breakthrough finding' reveals why certain Covid-19 patients die
In the short term whatever it takes, it takes, to curb the pandemic.These PSAs really hit me in the feels. I think it would be effective to start peppering the airwaves with these now, so close to the holidays which will create the conditions to kill tens of thousands. We all intellectually know what to do, but we are emotional creatures, so we should use a more emotional approach to save lives. Just a thought...
If anyone is annoyed by their glasses fogging up while weaing a mask, I just saw a couple of effective ways to stop it. The first is to use a simple bad-aid or piece of medical tape to hold the mask accross the bridge of your nose. Simple, but you really need a mirror to apply it and you have to change it often. But effective.
The other is to 3d print one of these:
Anti-Fog Nose Clip for Mask by lecutterjaune
Update 12/03 : The License is now Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). It means you can copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.Thanks for your downloads, don’t forget to share your...www.thingiverse.com
I printed one out since I stumbled across it after seeing the band-aid trick and was curious; it seems to work fine. Took about 15 minutes to print out of PETG, which is a food grade material.
I don't normally wear glasses except to read, and I don't normally do that around other people. So I don't really need one, but if you do, there you go.
Just a friendly psa.
In the short term whatever it takes, it takes, to curb the pandemic.
In the long term, people need to get back to accepting facts from educated professionals. You shouldn't have to watch a person suffer and die to accept reality. That is fucking moronic. Do we show little kids videos of people burning to death to teach them fire is hot? Of course not. They listen and believe because they trust the person telling them.
Funny. Clicked on your link. Then clicked on the 1st and most reviewed defogger thingy. But scroll down and look at the questions and reviews. They're for rubbers that fit over your shoes to protect them from getting wet.What a great little device! I just did an Amazon search, and sure enough, there are many different types and manufacturers. I'm going to read reviews and order some tonight. Thanks for the post...