I always wondered why in a land of peer of review and State Medical Boards the Scott Atlas's, Sherri Tenpenny's et. al. were left with their licenses intact.DNyuz - Latest Breaking U.S. News
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No idea, parsing can move mountains I supposeI always wondered why in a land of peer of review and State Medical Boards the Scott Atlas's, Sherri Tenpenny's et. al. were left with their licenses intact.
I just finished watching the "Dr. Death" mini-series about Christopher DuntschI always wondered why in a land of peer of review and State Medical Boards the Scott Atlas's, Sherri Tenpenny's et. al. were left with their licenses intact.
Once you have dose 2, you’ll be able to catch and transmit it, but your dad’s chances of being symptomatic are slim. My mask is not for me but for them.I waited for this shit to develop. Vac wise. Delta broke out. Got my dad and i first shot couple weeks ago. Now abc world news saying vac people are just as prone to spread... Really sounds like no one knows. Still getting the second. But fuck, fix this shit. My dads old and brittle. Have enough worries on my plate.
2.89 this mornings fill up$4+ around these parts.
That's all my family felt, we had Moderna though.Got the 1st shot today. Pfizer. Exactly 7 hrs ago. So far my arm is sore. That is all. And I hope. Will update.
2.89 this mornings fill up
Shits $4.80 a gal here that’s US dollars. Glad to have a company fuel cardI have a 35 gal tank. Cost me $140.00 last night