
N95 and KN95 masks, currently there are tons of fakes out there. I just ordered disposable KN's from Amazon. They had over 12,000 positive reviews so I figured they were ok. I fit tested them and they failed.

To fit test your masks you seal them around your face at the metal nose bar. If you can't form that or get them sealed to your face they will not work. After you get them sealed spray a bit of a scent agent like Glade Air Freshener. If you can smell it it's not working.

So today I'm sending back a box of masks.
N95 and KN95 masks, currently there are tons of fakes out there. I just ordered disposable KN's from Amazon. They had over 12,000 positive reviews so I figured they were ok. I fit tested them and they failed.

To fit test your masks you seal them around your face at the metal nose bar. If you can't form that or get them sealed to your face they will not work. After you get them sealed spray a bit of a scent agent like Glade Air Freshener. If you can smell it it's not working.

So today I'm sending back a box of masks.

In the military they tested our mask fit with CS gas.
It Sucked!
After you learned to trust your mask they made us take em off & recite stupid stuff to make sure you got a good dose.
~ Pro Tip ~ DO NOT touch your face or eyes!

I almost forgot what a fan I was when hub had to do the CS run in the Academy. It was a howler. He came home and was telling me all about the importance of wearing your mask just right. It was very hard to keep a straight face.