
Thanks for asking, I'm afraid to comment....fires all around us & I don't want to jinx it.:|
South Lake Tahoe could see evacuation warning as Caldor Fire nears
I spoke too soon.....smh
Bennett Fire: 'Fast moving' wildfire in Sierra Nevada foothills prompts evacuations
You can see the local rag's political bent, with the caption above the graph. Yup, look at those hospitalizations plummet. Ease restrictions? Shit, get rid of 'em all! Berta!
cOVID-19 Alberta r.png

Remember when people were saying this only affected old people? Current cases look a bit like a bell curve to me.

COVID-19 Alberta.png
Got my third and hopefully last covid vaccine today.. Third times a charm? Right??
We've got a high covid rate in my local (rural) area right now.. 550 per 100k
There's a lot of ignorant anti-vaxxer/maskers fighting with the school district over mandates and our local grocery supplies have been heavily affected.. One store town with bare shelves ain't cool!
Got my third and hopefully last covid vaccine today.. Third times a charm? Right??
We've got a high covid rate in my local (rural) area right now.. 550 per 100k
There's a lot of ignorant anti-vaxxer/maskers fighting with the school district over mandates and our local grocery supplies have been heavily affected.. One store town with bare shelves ain't cool!
I figure you have several more to go before we are done with this shit. Oh well it's only an inconvenience.
Step away from the Ketamine :lol:

So, it was circa late 2001 I was 17 and the neo family was moving houses. The old house was sold to a developer and scheduled for demolition in a few days. The utilities had been shut off. Everyone and everything except a few electronics were up at the new house. My parents asked me to stay behind and safeguard the remaining goods. My friend at the time stayed with me. And he had a bottle of k. The only other thing in this barren, candlelit house was an old mattress. And me and my friend fell into the biggest k-hole rolling around flopping all over this old, sad mattress. It was actually quite an experience. And coincidentally the last time I ever did ketamine lol.
@ANC, becareful
New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far
The C.1.2 variant first detected in South Africa is more mutated compared to the original virus than any other known variant.
@ANC, becareful
New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far
The C.1.2 variant first detected in South Africa is more mutated compared to the original virus than any other known variant.
“Happy to accept cookies” new one on me
@ANC, becareful
New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far
The C.1.2 variant first detected in South Africa is more mutated compared to the original virus than any other known variant.

And I thought these two were the most mutated thing out of SA...

New preprint study regarding protection from natural immunity vs vaccination.

“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.”
