
I did not know that.

I thought everyone had one of these.
Image result for smallpox arm vaccination scar gif
How to spot a cougar at the bar: the vaccine that left a scar
Remember, that was the only vax we kids didn't mind? It wasn't an injection, a viscous bleb of the vax was put on the arm and the nurse used a needle to scratch you under the surface. All other vax were injections the nurses had to do mass production wise to a school load of resistant kids. The wailing and screeching was incredible.
Remember, that was the only vax we kids didn't mind? It wasn't an injection, a viscous bleb of the vax was put on the arm and the nurse used a needle to scratch you under the surface. All other vax were injections the nurses had to do mass production wise to a school load of resistant kids. The wailing and screeching was incredible.
I think that's the first time (of many) my dad said, "be a man, not a puss".
We have a company service division that is currently idle, I'm trying to get upper management to divert them to building sterilization services.

I saw a report from Capetown about the demand for whole building cleaning after Cofveve-19 strikes, seems like a good opportunity for our employees who have recovered and still not have work.
just need some simple robots with shitload of UV lights
I am life sustaining!!!! I am not unemployed.

I went deep down the rabbit hole. I found that the governor used the NAICS list to make the determintion. Then found my code. Then found my category on the list. I am building and dwelling services. And am still permitted to operate. Construction and retail side are not. I joked to my boss, "dont worry, I'll give you a job opening pools in these trying times". :p
My brother in law got laid off yesterday as part of the 5,000 air canada workers layoff. They just had a new baby last month and he's the only breadwinner. :( Lots of tough times for everyone ahead.

Food banks and blood donation centers are in huge need right now if you're in a position to donate.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Friday that the administration has moved the IRS deadline for filing taxes from April 15 to July 15 due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus.
The new deadline will give millions of taxpayers more time to fill out their tax forms as coronavirus upends daily life across the country. Mnuchin made the announcement on Twitter, citing President Trump’s directive.


tax day.jpg

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Remember, that was the only vax we kids didn't mind? It wasn't an injection, a viscous bleb of the vax was put on the arm and the nurse used a needle to scratch you under the surface. All other vax were injections the nurses had to do mass production wise to a school load of resistant kids. The wailing and screeching was incredible.

I remember the lines in the gymnasiums when they did mass vaccinations. And yes there was a bunch of whining and crying. I was the kid that made sure not to cry as I was somewhat of a trouble maker/fighter and couldn't be seen crying. I was also the kid in science class giving other kids a drop of my blood to look at under the microscope because they couldn't prick their own finger. Some of the younguns won't believe that they passed out those little finger prickers and everyone was drawing their own blood for class. This was before HIV and blood was treated like a hazardous material. Boy how times have changed.
United States Orders State Border Shutdowns: National Guard Deployed
We know for certain that California, Massachusetts, Washington and New York will be experiencing some sort of state shutdowns. The other states on the list are being considered because they are either home to a large metropolis area, or are in close proximity to a state with high infection numbers.
Be prepared, stay safe, and keep yourself updated during these next 96 hours.

Remember this classical instance of your fearmongering?
I find this instance to be just as ridiculous.

Looking at the 58 today through my binos, I see very few cars, but semi traffic both in and out of the LA basin is robust. We are resupplying at a massive rate. This is good news.

How helpful was it to foment such hysteria in Vietnam? How did it serve the wounded troops in your charge? Did your superiors put up with that?
makes a huuuuge dif, I think they are trying to take a page out of the Chinese playbook for containing this..

Over here, the whole world will burn before people follow rules.

I guess cigarettes will turn into money soon.
Pretty much the same here. It would be next to impossible to close state borders. We can't close our North or South borders and our state borders are far more porous. The National Guard is always called up in times of national emergency and if you read it it stated their tasks are supporting health care and law enforcement.

In the end most of us will be fine. BTW I have underlying cardiac issues as well, three leaking valves that can't be fixed and pulmonary hypertension. I'm not afraid to catch this and am in contact with my two local hospitals to back fill if needed. However I was told right now it's unnecessary as we have cancelled all elective surgery so there are plenty of surgical suites and staff available.

In the end when we finally get full testing up I'm guessing we'll see a deathrate of an order of magnitude less than 1%

From the numbers I've been discussing with my friends it appears to be closer to .04% - .014% but that is just healthcare conjecture from the front lines.
Made it to check out with a full cart. I’m only fourth in line. Got lucky this time. Already shortages on meats milk and many other things. Didn’t even look to see if there was toilet paper.
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Glad to see you made sure to get your dog some food. Many people don't think about their pets until they realize they're out of food for them.

Fruit and veggies were pretty well stocked. They were out of potatoes.

Swing on by if you need some spuds. :bigjoint:


I have onions and carrots as well.

It's either going to go 2 ways. All these shutdowns will work and it'll curb the rate and the government will pat it's back and say it did all it could and thank the people for coming together to fight this common enemy or… it'll slowly die out and the government will pat it's back and say it did all it could and thank the people for coming together to fight this common enemy.