Well-Known Member
This one works for me:We need an emoji for both neener/pissed

This one works for me:We need an emoji for both neener/pissed
No Shit! LMAO! I was just going to load that pic with this pic under it.View attachment 4714323
Meanwhile in Iowa...
God I hope so...
In Alberta, already 5 years into a massive economic decline, co-vid has pushed a lot of people over the edge. Here is an in-depth story that covers a lot of ground.
“There's just no rainbow. There's no real light at the end of the tunnel,”
'There were some dark nights': Oilfield workers fight for jobs and hope as industry flounders
Since the price of oil nosedived in 2015, the industry has weathered hard years marked by layoffs and job losses. Coupled with the crippling onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, one worker said there isn't a lot of optimism out there about the future of the industry.edmonton.ctvnews.ca
No trick or treating in Toronto this year
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they still haven't said what they're gonna do down here with tricker treaters.....even the day of the dead celebrations are on hold too for the time being...
I think we should make every effort to make things as normal for kids as we can. Door to door is probably a really bad idea right now but there must be something we can do for them that safe.
Our area is promoting to make it a “masked” Halloween. I assumed every area was doing that.
there's gotta be a way to make Halloween happen, especially for the kidos, I know my grand kids have been waiting, and I would like to see them safe and healthy
Trick or treating kinda sucks here. All the units buy candy and security hands it out at concierge desk, the kids can't come to our door which sucks. I go to my parents on halloween to hand out candy.