Well-Known Member
That is the true power of the militarized trolling. It has turned us all into walking talking trolls if we are not highly aware of it.You're right.. again cognitive.. I was just coming back to edit what I said. It was a pretty naive thing to be sarcastic about in the middle of all the brutality being waged by the police. (I was sarcasticly joking, context below) I mean seriously... I mispoke in the worst way and I'm ashamed it took me an hour to realize it.
Read first thing when waking up, cracked me up the idea of these non maskers dealing with the police (they are a LOT of trump supporters.) Most of us likeminded folks are wearing masks and believe in the dangers of vid so.. it would be the ignorant folks dealing with the police. Most of the non maskers I know are also pro police.. Give them a taste of their own meds!
Bahahahahha! Now that is fucking hilarious. I would support any business that did so.
This is why I try to always remind myself that anytime I say 'Im just kidding', I am being defensive and was being a dick and someone got offended and called me out on it, and to shut up and listen (after I apologize).
The other thing is something my wife told me to read, I think it was a book called 'braving the wilderness'. It's harder, but we 'be generous with our assumptions' of what someone says being what they believe and that they may not mean it in a bad way and to not take it that way. I usually have to remind myself of this after I want to call them out. I need more practice with this.