Cow manure,chicken litter or bat guano?


Active Member
I am exploring the best possible options for natural fertilizer. How does cow manure and chicken litter rate? Bat guano is still the best is it?
Can anyone help me out please?


Active Member
I am using a cow manure, perlite, black dirt and hay mix and things are going well for me. The pH can be wack with real organic stuff, so check it and adjust if needed.


Active Member
CropCommander,There are farms where I can get chicken litter where I live,its not that silly. Just cos you have not heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Thanx for your help.:roll:

GafferGail,thanx for your advice,at least someone is helpful and not laughing.I have never heard of the hay being used,I shall try that for sure!!:clap:


Active Member
I wasn't laughing about using it as fertilizer you probably could I was laughing at the term chicken "litter", around here we just call it manure,sh*t,poop,crap just never heard it called "litter" before.I had this picture of a rooster taking a dump in litter box as i was reading this post.Sorry if you misunderstood.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I am exploring the best possible options for natural fertilizer. How does cow manure and chicken litter rate? Bat guano is still the best is it?
Can anyone help me out please?
Hey man, i never tried cow or chicken shit but bat guano is no joke! I used Hydrofarm Jamaican Bat Guano Sea of Green - Urban Garden Store Jamaican Bat Guano and it made my fuckin outdoor plant haaaaaaaapy. U're supposed to mix it up with some water then just pour it around the plant. Its got a lot of phosphorous from the digested bugs ahahha but it works for veg phase.


Active Member
:confused:What is the best thing to do with a hermy?Can I still smoke it?It is a 6 foot plant,still growing and has just put out a few male flowers.It is from a feminized seed so it cannot be a male I think....It is waaaaay too cute to kill...Can someone with hermy experience please advise me?:peace:


Well-Known Member
get rid of it unless you want seeds,,it may look good,but do you want it pollinating all ya females,,,,


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Another silly question coming up...anyone know why my profile pic isn't coming up on my profile?What am I doing wrong here?


Active Member
:confused:What is the best thing to do with a hermy?Can I still smoke it?It is a 6 foot plant,still growing and has just put out a few male flowers.It is from a feminized seed so it cannot be a male I think....It is waaaaay too cute to kill...Can someone with hermy experience please advise me?:peace:
I believe you can still get a male with a feminized seed if I am not mistaking. Too much stress/shock to the plant will indeed turn it to male or hermie, i'm a newbie grower but still read up a lot and learning as I go.

and I got some cow manure stuff today cuz i heard it was good but also heard something about it can make plants more vulnerable to disease.. I dno if i was reading about the cow manure or something else, I maya been stoned bongsmilie