Cowboys are going down!


Well-Known Member
ill give it to yall that was one of the best games ive ever seen
any one see the broncos chargers game?


Well-Known Member
Dont worry, Steelers wont have a problem...I think this loss against the cowboys is really gonna hurt them over the long run


Well-Known Member
ya right steelers are gonna get whomped on
they suck for some reason this year did u see that bull shit ass game they played


Well-Known Member
Bens shoulder is iffy right now... but yah that was sum bullshit with the browns

and that bronco charger game was rediculous... denver coach got sum balls


Well-Known Member
yea man if i was a Charger fan i would be PISSED! but cutler is a great qb.the cowboys lucked out wen westbrook dropped the ball. AWESOME GAME


Well-Known Member
fast wille parker, he can break through a whole like noone else.... shit let hienz ward qb, hed probably be better then leftwich... but then again we wouldnt have our best wide reciever


Well-Known Member
if i could get someone back it would be plexico lol

i remember when tommy maddox was are qb, everyone loved him i always thought he was a big joke


Well-Known Member
theres no replacing a hines ward..we lose him and shit rolls downhill in a hurry, nice grow so far by the way..(arent we supposed to discuss growing, not football?)

i started my first 3 weeks ago...then i found this site. my girls are bagseed, closet grow, in soil from my yard, under a 400w hps and i have heat thats pa backwoods ghetto!


Well-Known Member
theres no replacing a hines ward..we lose him and shit rolls downhill in a hurry, nice grow so far by the way..(arent we supposed to discuss growing, not football?)

i started my first 3 weeks ago...then i found this site. my girls are bagseed, closet grow, in soil from my yard, under a 400w hps and i have heat thats pa backwoods ghetto!

thanks man i appreciate it, thats why i stick with cfls for the veg period, i tried the hps out and fried my first batch lol