Crack Recipes?

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Well-Known Member
I think its funny that the people who only smoke weed think theyre better than other people who use other substances.

Stoners talk shit about "marijuana propaganda", yet they perpetuate the propaganda of other drugs.

If people have questions about "crack recipes" or what not, either give them good info or fuck off. Drugs are only "bad" because some idiots can't control themselves and abuse them. Abuse can happen with ANYTHING on earth (if I were to abuse pizza rolls I could eat so many that I become unhealthily obese and die).

haha a lil extreme but i agree, i dont like when people try and tell me how to live my life, so i dont tell others how to live their's,

lets see this recipe in action, i wanna see some results


New Member
Oh yea what anonymous1969 said if very right... Pizza rolls by the way are very hard to say no to..

Think about it more than half the population is over weight from eating bs food from mcdonalds and other fast food chains.. You can get 25 grams of saturated fat for a freaking dollar.. Americans have a freedom called choice. Every hear of it? It is what it is...


Well-Known Member
I think aids and cancer is their "secret" population control. But hey thats just me.

Fema camps are the next step!


New Member
Im with you on that llama... Wont be long til we all chips inbedded in our skin.. Works great for my dog, he loves to jump the fence so we've been getting alot use out of the chip. I wonder how big brother will use the chip on humans?


New Member
My boy just called and said he wasnt gonna mess with the recipe anymore.. He gonna just repress.. Info on repressing would be helpfull.. He said he know a few tricks but is curious how his dealer gets so rock hard.. Ive seen it before its harder than like tylenol.. Is it just the hydrolic jack that does it or does it need some acetone or other solvent...


New Member
Personally, I don't mind if you mainline antifreeze.... ur choice.

I DO want to see weed at least decrim'd nationally. This is a weed forum, no? This is one of if not the biggest weed forum on the internet, no?
So all of the other drug "distractions" on this forum take away from the main reason we are all here....weed.

It gives the "establishment" an easy was to say, just look at's not really about weed....these folks would smoke asphalt if they though they could get high with it.

If you want to break down the wall, you need to concentrate the energy into one spot.

Posting vid's on how to make crack, which is the poster child of indecency to the establishment diminishes weeds position.

Again, you all can shoot, snort whatever u please.... it's ur life and body. But posting it here kind of hurts weed. It makes us all look like crack heads, or at least we all quietly don't object to crack....which then makes it very very easy to demonize RIU.


New Member
Cant say your wrong bro. I also appreciate the tone. Your obivously no idiot.

However, i dont entirely agree.. I think that the people who came up with RIU were a step ahead. I think thats why this forum is titled the way it is. It is very braud and doesnt break down into segments and subforums. As long as they dont set up subforums for each and every drug. I think the direction of RIU with remain as the best pot site.


New Member
Just speak calmly, why would you get banned?

Look, like I said, I don't care what you do. I've more than likely done it already.

That deosn't mean it helps weed by posting crack recipes. Now I know this isn't any "official" mouthpiece shining example to "the man", but it all adds to the perceptions of the general public.

It's just my opinion, but any news agency could come on here, take a few threads out of the context of the forum and brand the entire site as a drug driven drivel dump.

That hurts weed. Roll It Up......


Active Member
See I agree more towards that. This section is a perk. A very good one IMO.

And yeah crackajax I understand what you mean but this is a very helpful section...Especially for the amount of idiots there are...just think how many dont have any knowledge of the drugs they are handling or taking. So now the select few morons get to come on here and get a chance to learn something about there problems...endevers..wants and needs!

I see both sides of this. Not arguing.
wow and the village idiot follows the posts,is it because he wants to secretly learn how to make crack...maybe he's a connoisseur of the freebase or maybe he has other agendas,either way he is still the village idiot


Well-Known Member
Just speak calmly, why would you get banned?

Look, like I said, I don't care what you do. I've more than likely done it already.

That deosn't mean it helps weed by posting crack recipes. Now I know this isn't any "official" mouthpiece shining example to "the man", but it all adds to the perceptions of the general public.

It's just my opinion, but any news agency could come on here, take a few threads out of the context of the forum and brand the entire site as a drug driven drivel dump.

That hurts weed. Roll It Up......

kinda like all the gun pics and threads?


Well-Known Member
wow and the village idiot follows the posts,is it because he wants to secretly learn how to make crack...maybe he's a connoisseur of the freebase or maybe he has other agendas,either way he is still the village idiot

Lmao. The village idiot? Pretty sure I was talking about the section as a whole. Thanks. And if you were smart you wouldnt have to ask here how to make crack =D.


New Member
I totally see your point.... But your coming close to being hypocrital. Or atleast overlooking the fact that crack isnt the biggest problem. Its very unlikely for a teenager in the suburbs to get hold of some crack. Maybe more in intercity areas. Still the use of crack in americas youth is very low compared to other drugs. They have a better chance of getting adderal and other harsh precription meds.Extacy use is much more popular in teenagers. What about meth? yep more kids using that than crack. Dont forget that everything is about the kids bro.

Anyways I wanna change the direction of this thread to Repressing.. Thnx
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